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She is scared to take the next step

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Okay, so me and this girl go to the same school and are in year 11 at the moment. I have been friends with her since last year but only 3 months ago have gotten quite close to her. 3 months ago, I felt I had feelings for her and I told her. She took it, and told me we should just stay as friends. So we stayed as friends, but then started to become a bigger part of each others lives. One night we had a long chat on the phone, and she told me she was scared to lose me, that I was too good of a guy to be lost. She knew that every relationship at this age things would not work out. She knows that we have at least another year together, (we're doing the exact same subjects for year 12) and that it may be very awkward if we do break up at this moment in time. I've tried to tell her that I will never lose her side and that I want to take the next step, and she wants to as well, but something is holding her back.


Now i need your advice people, what do i need to do or say to prove to her nothing will be lost when we become more than just friends.

If you need any more info just ask. ;)

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no extra info needed.


She's way ahead of you really. She's got a head on her shoulders, is being realistic and completely logical. You want to take it a step further, she doesn't, and I hate to say it, but at your ages, she is absolutely right.


Your schooling takes precedence. By all means maintain a good, close and friendly relationship, but your life should be led by your head, not your heart.

The other thing you should know (and this isn't sexism or superiority, mysandry or anything else, it biological fact): at your ages, she's more mature than you are, and mentally more advanced. A guy three to four years older than her, is on her mental wave-length right now. Give it another 5 years and you'll be catching her up. But right now - romance with you is a non-starter.


I'm sorry to be so harsh, but please try to understand: it is the way it is. Accept it, and hang loose.

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