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It hurts muchly


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I was going out with this one girl that has allready hurt me in the past. I thought it would be different but one of my best friends am I allowed to use names here lets just call her "Dani" warned me she was trouble. I got angry at "Dani" when I shouldn't have. I was feeling the effects of love and It was the best thing that ever happend to me. But just today she dumped me for my best friend lets call him "John". I was devistated they had the nurve to get "John's" sister to tell me. That hurt even more to think my best friend and the one I loved could do this to me. I was wondering if Dani is out there I am so sorry Dani I should have listend to you. Also if my new ex ever asked me out again should I go for it? or should I head Dani's advise this time?. Should I be mad at John?

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Yo man, what do you mean whether you should go out with your "already ex" if she asked you out again? Then why are you even appologizing to Dani in cyberspace?


And should you listen to Dani this time? Man, again, then why are you even appologizing to her? DOn't even think of getting back with your ex and appologize to Dani in person.

I was going out with this one girl that has allready hurt me in the past. I thought it would be different but one of my best friends am I allowed to use names here lets just call her "Dani" warned me she was trouble. I got angry at "Dani" when I shouldn't have. I was feeling the effects of love and It was the best thing that ever happend to me. But just today she dumped me for my best friend lets call him "John". I was devistated they had the nurve to get "John's" sister to tell me. That hurt even more to think my best friend and the one I loved could do this to me. I was wondering if Dani is out there I am so sorry Dani I should have listend to you. Also if my new ex ever asked me out again should I go for it? or should I head Dani's advise this time?. Should I be mad at John?
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Dean you don't need to keep doing this. She has hurt all of you. Dani told you that because she didn't want to see you get hurt again. And you did. Even I warned you. I don't even know why John would go back with her. She hurt him just as bad. She is playing with all of your hearts and your minds. We are both here for you. And we will be here for John too. But ya know what, I am sick of this. Brandie is really going to get a piece of my mind. She needs to grow up....and all of you need to stop bouncing in between her. She isn't that great...and she doesn't love you or John. I have told John that a million times. And if she asks you out again.....don't you dare even say yes. As for Dani...just mail her Dean.....she always keeps an open mind on everything. But this whole group of ours is wrecked just so ya know...and there is no fixing that. Forget about Brandie....ok. Mail me if you need to talk. *HUGS*

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Look, you can chose to listen to me or not, but I'm 20 years lod and been there. If this girl really cared for you, she wouldn't have screwed you over this many time. OR, she does love you, but is so screwed up she sabotages your relationship every chance she gets.


Look, don't get back together with her. She'll only cause more grief. As for your best friend, its best to forgive & forget. He ISyour best friend. Just try not to be around them when the're together, and be ready for your friend for when she dumps him for someone else, and she will, trust me, I know the type.


Okay, so your best friend didn't treat you like a best friend should, but he did make a mistake (hey, he's a guy. He thinks w/ the wrong head) Bottom line. forget about this girl, you'll find the perfect girl. it just won't be her. She's so messed up right now she'll screw him over too. This'll go on until she learns some self respect, but its not your job to square your life away. you can only captain your own soul, to ask for more than that is asking for trouble. let her work her probs. out on her own.

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