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how to say it

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ok i was dating this girl for 2 years. WE had a wonderful relationship. About 4 months ago we had an arguement and she broke up with me. We made up but we both decided to just be friends and to see what all is out there first. We have been friends since then and everything is going ok. Both of us has gone out with other people and none of them has worked out. I talked to her yesturday and she was very upset saying that she was lonly and that she can't find a boyfriend. I told her that she doesn't need a boyfriend to be happy but she said that she can't be happy unless she is with someone. My question is, i want her back as my girlfriend. We never have talked about us getting back together. I want to ask her if maybe we could get back together but i don't know what to say. Can someone please give me some advise?

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Ask yourself this question... "Do you really want to be with someone who's happiness depends on whether or not she has a boyfriend?" In my opinion, you would never really know whether she was happy with you, or just happy to be with someone. I would never want to have those questions in my mind. I think that this girl has some serious self esteem issues, and the best thing for her, is for you to be her friend.


Life throws different things at us all the time, and I believe they are all tests. I.E. tests of will, tests of the heart, test of morals, and tests of our innerselves. You can not make someone better by feeling sorry for them, or by being there for them, just because they can't be happy without someone. I think that this girl needs to be by herself. She needs to find out who SHE is, what SHE likes, and what SHE wants out of life. The best thing that you can do for her, is to be her friend. Good Luck.

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Im in love with her. I want to be with her. I will be her friend but i do want her back as my lover. I do understand she has some self confidence issues but i love her and want to work through it with her....

Ask yourself this question... "Do you really want to be with someone who's happiness depends on whether or not she has a boyfriend?" In my opinion, you would never really know whether she was happy with you, or just happy to be with someone. I would never want to have those questions in my mind. I think that this girl has some serious self esteem issues, and the best thing for her, is for you to be her friend. Life throws different things at us all the time, and I believe they are all tests. I.E. tests of will, tests of the heart, test of morals, and tests of our innerselves. You can not make someone better by feeling sorry for them, or by being there for them, just because they can't be happy without someone. I think that this girl needs to be by herself. She needs to find out who SHE is, what SHE likes, and what SHE wants out of life. The best thing that you can do for her, is to be her friend. Good Luck.
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