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My girlfriend (18 yo)of 1 1/2 years broke up with me about 5 months ago saying she just wants to be alone. Before she dumped me we was REALLY close and even talking about getting married. All her friends has BF's that are punks and treat them like crap. She said she wants to be best friends with me and that she's not sure what she wants right now. I think its because i smothered her and was too nice to her. I realize that girls like her wants a guy that is a challenge and doesn't suck up to them. She has gone out with like 3 guys since then and none of them has worked out. The guys are the type of guys that treat girls like ##### and all they do is smoke weed all day, drink, and want to get laid. By the way she comes from a highly christian family and she is a virgin. I tell her that those type guys just want one thing from her, and she says "they have had a hard life and all they need is someone to show them that they love them" she says that if someone like her showed them love, that that would straighten them out. She called me yesturday crying because some guy she was talking to, was treating her like crap. I know it is more than likly over between me and her and that you all will just tell me to move on, but for some reason i fill drawn towards her, and love her and desperately want her back. She is young and im hoping she will realize that she is making a mistake. It would kill me to see her devirginize herself by some stupid little punk that don't care about anything in life other than doing drugs and getting laid. She is a really good hearted person and she is real sweet heart. I think she is just confused right now. She is depressed alot and cryies all the time. I try to always be there for her, to confort her and tell her that things will be allright. I was her first relationship and her first love. I know 100% that she still cares about me alot. She gets jealous if i ever talk about a girl. I will do anything to get her back as my gf. There is got to be some kinda strategy or something i can use to get her back, but i don't know how. I realized my mistake and if there is anything to do to correct it to get her back i would do it. I would do anything in the world for her. Please please please someone? Im really despirate for her and want her back!!!!!!!!!!

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By the way, im 23 yo if you all need to know..

My girlfriend (18 yo)of 1 1/2 years broke up with me about 5 months ago saying she just wants to be alone. Before she dumped me we was REALLY close and even talking about getting married. All her friends has BF's that are punks and treat them like crap. She said she wants to be best friends with me and that she's not sure what she wants right now. I think its because i smothered her and was too nice to her. I realize that girls like her wants a guy that is a challenge and doesn't suck up to them. She has gone out with like 3 guys since then and none of them has worked out. The guys are the type of guys that treat girls like ##### and all they do is smoke weed all day, drink, and want to get laid. By the way she comes from a highly christian family and she is a virgin. I tell her that those type guys just want one thing from her, and she says "they have had a hard life and all they need is someone to show them that they love them" she says that if someone like her showed them love, that that would straighten them out. She called me yesturday crying because some guy she was talking to, was treating her like crap. I know it is more than likly over between me and her and that you all will just tell me to move on, but for some reason i fill drawn towards her, and love her and desperately want her back. She is young and im hoping she will realize that she is making a mistake. It would kill me to see her devirginize herself by some stupid little punk that don't care about anything in life other than doing drugs and getting laid. She is a really good hearted person and she is real sweet heart. I think she is just confused right now. She is depressed alot and cryies all the time. I try to always be there for her, to confort her and tell her that things will be allright. I was her first relationship and her first love. I know 100% that she still cares about me alot. She gets jealous if i ever talk about a girl. I will do anything to get her back as my gf. There is got to be some kinda strategy or something i can use to get her back, but i don't know how. I realized my mistake and if there is anything to do to correct it to get her back i would do it. I would do anything in the world for her. Please please please someone? Im really despirate for her and want her back!!!!!!!!!!
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Forget her for now. She is young, confused, inexperienced, immature, has emotional problems, etc. and is not ready for any kind of relationship right now.


She does think a lot of you but she is 18 years old, very very young, and need to do her exploring. The more you press her for something now, the more you will drive her away...promise.


You need to STOP being so sweet to her and STOP being around so much. Because she is dating other people and you are "there for her" is will begin to see you as a nice friend and NEVER have romantic feelings for her.


This girl ditched you, bub. You have no reason to be around and comfort her while she dates guy after guy and gets depressed. That's her problem. Let her deal with it in her own way.


Your best chance at getting her back is to really start seeing other people. Play the game she's playing. Don't tell her, either. Word will get back to her. If that doesn't bring her back you'll just have to wait things out. But don't put your life on hold. Statiscally, this won't be a keeper for you. A lady in her state of mind has a long ways to go before she's ready to settle down.


Start seeing other ladies and enjoy your good times. Leave this girl to grow up in whatever ways she needs to.

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