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feeling lonely...

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i'm an attractive, young, educated girl. i have lots of friends so i'm pretty sure i'm fun to be around. i have a fairly busy life....despite my newly broken arm, i'm in university, work two jobs and i spend weekends out on the town with my posse.


now, on to the ever-elusive point...


i get approached a lot.....men do hit on me, and i always meet people. but it never goes further than a chat or drink...if i do happen to give my number out, they never call.


it's been awhile now since i've been on a date and i am feeling lonely at times....especially now that my arm is slowing me down......also, this cast isn't the most attractive thing.


any one have any tips or advice for me?

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Hmmmm. May I ask how old are you? Anywho, men could find you attractive just like men find me attractive, but maybe they can sense that you want a relationship or a startup of something and they might not want to get into anything serious.


This has nothing to do with you. It could be the men that approach you. Maybe they are not looking for a relationship. Who knows. It is good that you keep active and meet tons of people and get approached. I wish that was me. But the only advice I give you is keep doing what your doing. Focus on yourself and what you want and men will approach you and you will find that one that will want a relationship with you. Just be patient. Focus on school and keep going out with friends etc.

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what's a posse?


yea ive seen that happen to a girl i knew. but it was her decision not to make friends or hook up with them.


you think the arm cast is a bad thing??

it's actually an advantage for you. since you say you're attractive, it'll give guys a reason to come up to you and break the ice. they will be curious and want to find out what happened to your arm, it also gives them a reason for talking to you...instead of seeming like they hit on you.


they probably dont call cause they feel intimidated by you and think you got tons of guys to choose from. and most guys dont like it when girls make the move so...


well, for one thing you could show some interest in a guy that you like. at least it'll raise their hopes in success of chasing you. eye contact + smile is most important.

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Yeah, I agree with MONKEY00. Guys can be intimidated by you so they might not call or there could be other reasons. They might think you have tons and tons of guys with the way you say your attractive and whatnot.


So, don't worry about the cast. That will be off as soon as it can and if a guy won't approach you because you have the cast on, then they are not worth your time or energy. Just sit back relax and do your thing.

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thanks guys, i appreciate your support


longlegz, i'm 23. i guess the cast just brings me down because i get myself done up to go out, and then my arm is wrapped in this big thing...but like you said, it'll be off soon enough.


you both have given me inspiration and motivation....to you both, THANKS :D

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