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*Update* to "Trying not to freak"


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TigressA, OMG, it's so cute how giddy you are ;).


That's awesome that you and the beau were able to communicate openly. Enjoy all the :love: :love: :love: ... ;)

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I've been talking to C via webcam. He said he noticed me visiting him on OKCupid. I said, "Yeah, well, about that...because of our situation, I would prefer it if neither of us had our profiles up anymore." He said he understood, and that he only logged in because he would get a lot of different notification emails: so-and-so added you to their favorites, recent visitors, blah blah. He said he hadn't been looking for anyone else.


We deleted our profiles together, via webcam. He told me what each page said as he went along in the process, so he did actually delete it since each thing checked out with me when I did it. It was really cute when I said, "Well, why don't you just disable it?" He said, "What, you don't think that things will work out with us?" :love:


After we deleted our profiles he said, "I am very glad that you opened up to me about this and were straightforward. It makes me very happy. I feel like things are going very well with us." I said, "I think so too."


*Sigh* :bunny::love::)


Congratulations...Rock it sista!! ;)

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Thanks, girls! Shadow of course that's him in my avvie; who else could it be??!! :laugh::love: I do have a couple more pics in my album. I'm gonna make it private and add you girls to my contacts.


I am still very giddy. All smiles here, since I woke up this morning. I hope my face doesn't start to crack. :D

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You look beautiful together. I bet people stop to look at you on the street.

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You look beautiful together. I bet people stop to look at you on the street.


Thank you :), but I wouldn't know about that. I'm too busy looking at him. :love:;)


One of my friends who saw a picture of us said, "You two need to have babies. And they need to have babies with my babies. We're arranging this future mating session now. I'll draw up the paperwork." :laugh:

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My "over-under" as to how long this bliss will last is under 3 weeks.


Good luck, but these situations rarely turn out well.

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My "over-under" as to how long this bliss will last is under 3 weeks.


Good luck, but these situations rarely turn out well.


By "these situations," are you referring to ... relationships?

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Relationships with that much drama. Breaking up, getting back together.... 48 hours ago she was talking a lot of smack about this dude. Those issues didn't really go away. And if they did, one conversation isn't going to prove it.


I hope I am wrong on this. But I doubt it.

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Oh, I think you're right. Yeah, issues like that don't just go away. I know we have some things to work through. But we are working through them day by day. We're committed to this.

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My "over-under" as to how long this bliss will last is under 3 weeks.


Good luck, but these situations rarely turn out well.


What's your point? Statistically most relationships don't last forever, obviously, so factually you're correct. But they're fun, and hopefully fulfilling, and comforting to us as social animals, and people learn and grow from them in wisdom and experience, and there's always that sparkling hope. I do think Tigress' budding relationship has had more drama than it should have at such early stages, but she's already learning to be a more direct person through this experience, that can only be a positive in her future.


I'm glad you're in the giddy stages of delight, Tigress, it's such a powerful feeling with the blood zinging along a little bit faster through your body and stars shining points in your eyes. Embrace it, just enjoy it, why not? It's a rush.


I guess I'm a weirdo but I never worried much about mine or my husband's OkC profiles after we got together. We both kept ours up for a long time because of the quizzes and the blogs and because we both have good friends from real life on there and they have us check out other people's profiles whom they are dating, etc. Granted I could see that my husband wasn't logging in regularly, maybe I'd've worried about it more if he'd been on there every day. My husband would lie in bed with me and we'd look over other profiles or do quizzes together. Not that long ago I went and compared all our answered questions to each other in a sentimental fit, it was interesting to see how our answers matched or didn't match, or how they'd have changed over the past few years. We did change our profiles to say we werent' looking anymore though and we'd sometimes read our mail in front of each other so it wasn't threatening at all.

Edited by Stung
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Thank you, Stung. I am being practical about this, of course. I understand the doubts that come from people who have seen my past threads, and I appreciate your perspective--I myself have shared those doubts, which is why I posted those threads. Just let me enjoy my high right now please. :laugh::)

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You deserve the happiness T. :bunny::bunny:


It's great to see after all the c%^& you have been through with men and rocky start with C....

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I too recently got back together with my ex gf. It feels great knowing that they want you and not just a warm body to hang out with. Knowing that you're "taken" and your partner is too is a wonderful feeling.

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Gosh, I'm really amazed how pessimistic people on this site can be. Well, I think you guys are an extremely attractive couple, and you sound very happy. Good luck, Tigress, from what you said you both are on the same page with what you want from each other. I hope this blossoms into something wonderful for you. :)

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Oh please!!:rolleyes: If this gets any sappier, I'll get cavities.:laugh::laugh:


Shuuuuuuush, you! :p;)


We just finished talking again. I am set to visit him this weekend. :love: We were talking about Facebook. He sent me a friend request, which I accepted. We don't want to flaunt anything about our status just yet since it's still new, and we don't want to deal with people nosing around, asking questions, etc. He said he told his friends, who we hung out with Labor Day weekend, to not post any pictures they took of the two of us together. We both agreed after a certain amount of time has passed that we'll go ahead and "make it public".


In regard to our "relationship status", both of us have had it removed for weeks, and he just has "friendship" under "looking for", while I have nothing.

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