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I see signs but he's an ex-pimp...

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I have this friend from 5 years ago... I started off liking him a lot.. got to know him, liked him even more! So it was very, very awesome. We talked every day, about everything. He told me so much. And vice versa. Well, he was never the type to commit to women. . .


He coulda had me at any moment however, he didn't cross any lines with me. I actually probably wouldn't have cared too much since I was so into him. (Which looking back, I'm certainly glad nothing has happened). I don't recall what I said to him back in the day. But all I recall is him telling me that he "wouldn't be a very good boyfriend"... So as time went on I finally realized it was because he was a "pimp" =p ..


Finally contacted him (After getting over him and moving on.) Now, well, we talk every day. About everything. Life is grand... At first I actually kinda thought he talked to me a little TOO much... he wanted me on IM and txt..All through the day. i mean he wasn't controlling, but if i didnt respond he'd joke a lot that i had "left him again".. then sometimes.. he'd just be like.. "Talk to mee".. if I didn't really reply in whatever amount of time. I was actually kinda.. a little stressed about it. but NOW...well, the other day I just ..WANT to talk to him!--All the time..! He leaves from AIM now and I'm telling him I'm going to miss him and I feel lonely, sad, bored, et al when he goes. And he said he feels the same when parting. I also said I don't have a best friend, but if I did... it'd be him, He said the same for him. He asks my favorite shows so he will watch too. Asks what I'm listening to when we're both at home winding down and he'll listen to the same stuff. He'll be taking me to pick out his new car. (Pimp wants an old Cadillac, of course :lmao:)


He told me he had tried to years get into contact with me (I did actually receive emails from him as well as IMs...through the course of those 5 years) Everything else changed so he couldnt get me i.e., my phone, where i lived, et al. but as I said, I really did cut him out---I didn't want him to find me.


I do feel bad about that..and he is rather sad about it and made it known to me.


All day, everyday we talk. Every subject... Except emotional stuff. He RARELY talks about any of his past "Gfs". he did bring one up. Saying she texted him after a while passed but he said "Lol.. @#$% that. I'm not gonna fool with her"..


He sure did mention he hates when people call at weird hours but said I could call him at 4am if i wanted. (oh, I wouldn't abuse that! And i havent.) He told me ppl get on his nerves. And he'll shut them out for awhile. He says a lot of people are talking to him via IM and he's ignoring them and just talking to me.


Welp, so I really don't know what is happening here... every ingredient seems to be there, except well... he's not all verbatim saying: "Hey, i like you a lot in that way so you Wanna boogie down, lady ma'am?" LOL.. Seriously, he isn't flirting with me AT ALL. He'll tell me he loves talking to me, that I'm his favorite person...He tells me I'm wonderful, and he talks to me the most. That I am the best thing he has to look forward to everyday. ... But no advances. NONE. I thought once or twice he was going to tell me something regarding a [possible] feeling but he said, instead, "Oh, i was about to bring up a forbidden subject"... Which, btw he'd never tell me what it was. Also the statements he makes like, "Oh, i bet i would creep you out if i told you something..." But he'll never tell me. Either he's joking, I'm reading it wrong, or this boy has the best footwork..


And, nope. No mention of him regarding anything about sex between us. .


I'm not sure how i can get him to "open up" .. i don't want to flat out ask him if he's into me. Or ask if any of this stuff means anything. But i did and do still feel there is much attachment from his side for him to NOT have a tiny interest in me romantically?... He seems a bit off if i don't talk to him for a bit.


Btw, this isnt the kind of guy I'd EVER say you'd need space from.... With his distant ways. But initially, he was talking to me so much that I felt like *I* needed space (was even close to telling him). BUT...since i fell for him. I definitely love this attention and always look forward to hearing from him.


And since with him on AIM while I was typing this.. Our convo has been going for several hours.. Real time. And needed to pause here and there to type this and he'd tell me to talk to him! HA.. Oh, the irony... :laugh:..

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Sounds like he just sees you as a friend. In all these years he has never hinted at liking you or asking you to hang out romantically. I think you need to pull your emotions back and start to detach from him emotionally. You're becoming emotionally dependent/attached and that can't be good for just a friendship when you want more.

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Ergh, so he said he wouldn't mind just talking with me as opposed to playing games tonight with his friend.... Even though I said don't let me interrupt with your games... He said to not worry that talking with me was more fun.




UGH... Why does he have to be so amazing and wonderful? And decent, respectful et al.... He needs to be like other guys and tell me how little he cares about my movies or TV shows....And he needs to ignore me to play video games. And just be selfish. JUST BE SELFISH, D### YOU:(


Yeh, if there really is nothing there from his side....I just wish he'd stop all this. . .Because if it keeps going, I'll fall too hard like I did last time. I never, ever nagged him to date me then. Looking back, I'm actually surprised I was just that diplomatic to leave without sabotaging anything.

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