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Glitter on boyfriend's face

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Hi everyone…I’m hoping someone can give me some advice.


Last night I went to see my boyfriend after he got off work. When we were sitting together I noticed a small piece of glitter on the bottom of his nostril. Just one piece. I got upset and started questioning him. At first he wasn’t mad, but then he got pretty pissed. We are now barely speaking because of this.


I told him that I wanted to know where the glitter came from and who the girl was that it came off of. He told me that had no idea where it came from and that it was definitely not from another girl. He told me that he was sweeping the floor at work (he works in a restaurant) and that maybe the piece of glitter was on the floor and flew up onto his face. He swears up and down that he has no clue where it came from.


Does this sound like BS or does it sound like he’s telling me the truth? I have no reason to believe he would cheat on me. I’m just very upset about this piece of glitter :(

Edited by anp1005
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i read what is glitter.


i take classes for english. i dont take art class but some do. they use glitter some. i have gotten this on me even not in art room. i would not be mad for being asked why i have glitter. i would be mad for being asked what girl gave me glitter. you say that it is more than asking why the glitter. it is to say to the man that you think he is bad when all he is done is have a piece of glitter.

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He doesn’t take any type of classes though…he was at work then he went to his friend’s house. He said the “glitter” could have been metal chips from something at work, a piece of dirt, from the floor at work…I just don’t know. I don’t want to keep accusing him of things, but I just want an answer and he doesn’t have one for me. He just keeps saying that he has no clue where it came from.


Should I believe him?

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i have glitter before and not in classes with glitter. others take classes with glitter and have more than one piece while I only have one.


why its to you that glitter is only from girls? glitter is from glitter.

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ONCE When my daughter was 6 she came to my office and made Valentines while I worked. The office was professionally cleaned once a week . When I last used that office she was 13 and I was still coming home with glitter on me.


Glitter. Its the craft that keeps on giving.

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Glitter from body glitter or a lotion is rarely found in just one piece. If he has been near enough to a girl he will have it in other places and more than one piece for sure. One piece of glitter on his nose most likely came from his hand and could be anything else. Glitter (real individual pieces) seem to have a static bond to anything that comes in contact with it. Greating cards are notorious for dispensing it everywhere! He could have touched any surface that has come in contact with glitter in the last few weeks and picked up a piece. I would believe the metal shaving for a single piece.

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Wow i think you completely over reacted. Did it ever occur to you that he actually in fact has no idea where it came from?


Even if it was from a girl, you said he worked at a restaurant. Last time i check girls did in fact go to restaurants and they usually dress up. Is it really such a stretch that one tiny spec of glitter inadvertently made its way to his nose after spending a entire shift working at a restaurant?


Unless you already suspect him of cheating, you completely jumped the gun. i think you own him an apology.

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So? A motherF'er can't enjoy arts and crafts now, or what? Maybe he was making you a pretty picture and screwed up on it, so he never gave it to you. Ever think about that? Now he's not only doubting his artistic ability, he thinks you no longer love him. Good job. You should be ashamed of yourself.


No, seriously, over react much?

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Ahh, the old glitter on the nose give-away. :D


But seriously, is glitter back in? Was this a piece of sparkley eye make-up or a spec of arts and crafts glitter? It IS possible that a guy could harmlessly get a single spec of glitter on his face. What's a guy to do if it were just a coincidence. I'd probably lose my temper too for not getting the benefit of the doubt--especially if I had done much to earn it.

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Hi everyone..thanks for your input. I know I sound crazy :( Everyone I’ve told about the situation thinks I over-reacted. I’m just afraid of being cheated on I guess. I don’t want to be with someone that has been cheating on me the whole time and find out years later.


I have no reason to think that he would cheat on me at all. He was with some friends before work yesterday, went to work, then went over to one of our mutual friend’s houses. That’s when I saw the glitter, I don’t see how he would have found time in his day to cheat, but still.


So, no one here would suspect cheating because of this piece of glitter?

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Wow... talk about being controlling and obsessive.. I wouldn't want to see him coming with nail scratches on his back.. or lipstick on his collar.. :laugh:


Come on.. relax.. it could be from soooo many things.. from the dirt on the floor right up to the body glitter of a stripper.. :laugh:


If you can't trust him now.. better let him go.. :o

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Ahh, the old glitter on the nose give-away. :D


But seriously, is glitter back in? Was this a piece of sparkley eye make-up or a spec of arts and crafts glitter? It IS possible that a guy could harmlessly get a single spec of glitter on his face. What's a guy to do if it were just a coincidence. I'd probably lose my temper too for not getting the benefit of the doubt--especially if I had done much to earn it.


Ha, I was wondering that myself...have we somehow gone back to the 80's, when glitter was a cosmetic accessory? Poor guy--I really feel sorry for him in this case. There's nothing worse than trying to prove a null hypothesis; it can't be done.

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Hi everyone…I’m hoping someone can give me some advice.


Last night I went to see my boyfriend after he got off work. When we were sitting together I noticed a small piece of glitter on the bottom of his nostril. Just one piece. I got upset and started questioning him. At first he wasn’t mad, but then he got pretty pissed. We are now barely speaking because of this.


I told him that I wanted to know where the glitter came from and who the girl was that it came off of. He told me that had no idea where it came from and that it was definitely not from another girl. He told me that he was sweeping the floor at work (he works in a restaurant) and that maybe the piece of glitter was on the floor and flew up onto his face. He swears up and down that he has no clue where it came from.


Does this sound like BS or does it sound like he’s telling me the truth? I have no reason to believe he would cheat on me. I’m just very upset about this piece of glitter :(

There's nothing in what you've written to suggest that he's cheating on you. A piece of glitter on him? Could've come from anywhere. If he's been anywhere near a place where there might have been glitter, it's entirely possible that it could've gotten on him. Those things aren't always easy to remove.


Based on what you described, you came off as highly obsessive and controlling. Getting angry at somebody because of something like that... I'm not surprised he got pissed at you in return. You overreacted and he probably feels like he's been unjustly accused.


If you want to save the situation, you should apologize to him (and don't put caveats on it -- I mean ACTUALLY apologize) for blowing up at him over nothing. Blame it on hormones if you have to. And then let it go.

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HOLY over-reaction!!

I am a girl. I never wear glitter. But every once in awhile i end up with a spec of glitter on my face or shirt... it's a product of going to college and sharing desks, pens, etc.


The fact that he works in a restaurant means he is around people. People that wear stupid glitter even though it went out with the non-stripper crowd quite awhile ago. Maybe a guest at the restaurant touched her eyelid... then touched the table or a glass and then he cleaned the table or the glass and later scratched his nose... glitter gets everywhere. It would be one thing if he looked like e f***ed a pixie, but one spec of glitter? Come on.

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How do I say this delicately?...


There are many things nowadays with glitter all over it. Pencils, bags, shirts, etc...


I did catch my xH with glittery glossy looking lips, hence the X in front of H.


I guess time will tell if where the glitter may have come from. Good luck!

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So…everyone here thinks that I should apologize to him and let it go? I’m afraid to let it go…what if it WAS from a girl? I met up with my boyfriend last night and we talked about it. He still swears he doesn’t know where it came from. Should I believe him?

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All that glitters is not cheating....................(sorry, couldn't resist)



I have come home from being out on public, and found tiny specs of glitter on my face.Not often, but it has happened once or twice. I remember wondering where the hell it could've come from?


The crap gets around..........it's insidious.The glitter on your bf's nose could've come loose from some grandma's sweatshirt at the restaurant he works at...


If he's given you no reason to doubt him in the past, then he's likely feeling highly insulted for being falsely accused........A sincere apology will help.

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So…everyone here thinks that I should apologize to him and let it go? I’m afraid to let it go…what if it WAS from a girl? I met up with my boyfriend last night and we talked about it. He still swears he doesn’t know where it came from. Should I believe him?

You said earlier that you have no reason to think he's cheated on you. And if that's the case, then the answer is yes. You should apologize, tell him you believe him, and let it go. And you should do so quickly, before he concludes that you're irrational, obsessive and controlling, and that he's under a microscope in his relationship with you, and dumps you. For a person who's being unjustly accused of cheating, getting repeatedly accused of it gets old REEEEEEALLY fast.

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So…everyone here thinks that I should apologize to him and let it go? I’m afraid to let it go…what if it WAS from a girl? I met up with my boyfriend last night and we talked about it. He still swears he doesn’t know where it came from. Should I believe him?


What is holding you back from apologizing to him? The glitter could have come from anywhere, hell, I get a speck of glitter even if I've been at home all day and there is no art and craft items in my house. Why are you asking US if you should believe him? He is your boyfriend, you know his character best, we know nothing. From the facts presented to us, the likelihood of him cheating on you because you found A SPECK of glitter is close to none.


The bigger problem is, why are you getting so worked up and suspicious over a glitter that could have literally came from anywhere? Did his past actions caused you to doubt him over the smallest things? If his actions have been consistent, why are you doubting him? Is it because you are insecure?


Honestly, I gotta respect your boyfriend for having so much tolerance. Repeatedly asking him about a speck of glitter when he has explained umpteen times that he don't know is gonna get on his nerves if you continue doing that.


Why are you afraid to let it go? From your posts, it seems like you want someone to say " Yes, it might have been from a girl." and this validates your view and gives you a chance to pounce on that poor guy. If you don't trust him, why are you with him?

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I work in a retail store and after sweeping I've gotten glitter on myself. Where it comes from, I don't know, but it pops up every other day on my clothes.

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Where it comes from, I don't know, but it pops up every other day on my clothes.


Night Job ? :laugh:


Christmas tree tinsel is the same way.. it could be July and you might find tinsel floating across the floor..


glitter is on everything.. stickers, cards, clothes.. anything kid related :laugh:

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I think people are overlooking the fact that the glitter was near his nostril. This guy is hiding something for sure. All addicts do.


Are you trying to say the guy picks his nose ?.. or snorts glitter?

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It's not a well-known fact that glitter can be addictive when ingested via the schnozz. If she wants definitive proof, she should demand that he trim his nose hairs so she can examine the trimmings.


I recommend she call in his family and close friends when he does this. Time for an intervention.

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