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Guys no one can compare to GOD's love


- He doesnt leave you

- He forgives you no matter what you do

- He comforts you (I know its hard to feel his comfort but if you do believe he is there)

- He knows whats best for you

- He has it all worked out for you

- He is trustworthy




For me, this world cannot provide what GOD gives me.


Guys dont worry, be patient and just thank him for whats happening to you, because GOD does good for those for whom loves him!!![font=century gothic][/font][font=arial][/font][font=0][/font]

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There's not a lot of people out there that won't believe these things. They say: " I have to see to believe", but what they don't know is that they have to believe to see! What religion are you from? I am a Christian and I go to a pentecostal church. I believe in God with all my heart! Without him I am a NOBODY! He's my everything!


Well, take care and God bless![color=red][/color][font=arial][/font]

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Although, I do wear a cruxifix, I don't believe in that sort of thing, but at least you believe in something. :)



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It's more like the things He said to do were things which mean we are nicer to each other. We know we should be, but sometimes we decide not to anyway. The general idea is that if you're rotten enough, you'll be sorry for it because you've caused pain to others. It's not a legalistic system :laugh:

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Technically, you could be the nicest person in the world, but if you don't accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior, you're screwed.

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I thought that was the foundation of Christianity as a whole. Our way or the highway. No kiddin'. What sects aren't like this? Maybe I won't give up on religion so easily...

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I was raised Catholic and I don't recall ever being taught that if you don't accept Jesus you will go to Hell. However, you are right, there is a significant portion of the Christian world in greneral that does believe what you said. It is one of the things that has soured me to religion (among many).



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There are an awful lot of different denominations and they make a point of distinguishing themselves from each other. Broadly speaking, that view is the view of the fundamentalist denominations chiefly.

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Moimeme, you may be right. But, I have come across (and gotten to know) many Christian people throughout my life who didn't seem to be fundamentalists (although maybe they were and were just not vocal about it?) who held the "you're-going-to-hell-and-I'm-not" belief. It seems to have crept into more mainstream Christianity, but again, this is only based upon my own anectodal experience.


You hit on another good point, however. And that is about religions distinguishing themselves from each other. Of course, I understand why they do, however I have always wondered, if everyone thinks their religion is right, how can that be?

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Fundamentalists annoy me just as much as those who cynically find fault in religion, and make it their crusade to tell you about it.

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So people can praise God and religion all they want and that's cool in your book, but when someone condemns religion, ohhh, poopoo, what a pain in the ass, eh Dyer? I see.


Just so you know, I do believe in God but I don't make it my point to push my beliefs onto others. I can sure as hell talk about my beliefs as much as I want, though, so deal with it. That goes for anyone else who has a problem with my opinion. I have just as much of a right to say, "Religion is stupid" as someone does to say, "Religion is wonderful."


however I have always wondered, if everyone thinks their religion is right, how can that be?


That's a thought that goes through my head very often.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

So people can praise God and religion all they want and that's cool in your book, but when someone condemns religion, ohhh, poopoo, what a pain in the ass, eh Dyer? I see.

There's a difference between condemning religion in an educated manner, and making incessant wisecracks about altar boys and uneducated guesses about doctrine.


Plenty of people are able to read about what their talking about, do a little research, refrain from inflammatory jokes, and still come out not in favor of religion. Clearly you aren't one of those people.

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Bottom line, bud? You don't like my posts? Then don't read'em. Simple as that. We've argued in the past and said that I was so damn self-righteous. Well, in case you didn't notice, you're being just that right now as well. We both are. How can we not? We have very different opinions and will stand behind them no matter what. Deal with it.


As it was pointed out, there ARE indeed religions out there that stand for precisely what I'm talking about. However, I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong when I'm shown contradictory information. From what I've seen, from people I've met, there are LOTS of Christians, specific sects in there, that believe that if you don't accept Jesus into your heart, you're screwed. THAT, my friend, is indeed a fact. It doesn't go for EVERY Christian out there, but it does go for some/many.


But if people are only allowed to talk about things that they're completely knowledgeable and educated about, then there wouldn't be a hell of a lot of talking going on.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

But if people are only allowed to talk about things that they're completely knowledgeable and educated about, then there wouldn't be a hell of a lot of talking going on.

Oh, then by all means, continue. We wouldn't want such discussion to go stagnant.


Kevin, the bottom line is, the things you say are hurtful. You're making this your crusade of free speech, and I never said I could stop you, or even that I would if I could. Religion is something that is very personal to many, and it seems as though atheists (sorry, people who don't subscribe to an organized religion, whatever they're called) are twenty times more evangelical than Billy Graham.


Certainly there are some fundamentalist sects who decided that you go to Hell if you don't accept Jesus into your heart. Expressing displeasure at this idea is fine. Pretending that all of Christianity subscribes to such garbage is ridiculous, it's possibly a geographical thing, as such fundamentalism isn't as prevalent where I live.


Additionally, some of your posts have not been commentaries on religious doctrine or ideas, but mere hurtful wisecracks that have nothing to contribute to discussion. You might want to read the Catechism someday, but the print is very small, and you have a lot of talking to do--so you might not want to bother.

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"Three things you never discuss - Religion, Politics, and the Great Pumpkin"



~Linus Vanpelt, "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", 1968



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Well, down in the south, it's kinda a rough area for that sorta thing. Religion's taken very seriously here.


Look, Dyer, and anyone else, if I'm offending people with my opinions and what I say, I TRULY apologize, they are merely my opinions, it's what I believe, what I feel, I'm not saying anything to hurt anyone and I sincerely hope no one thinks otherwise.


but mere hurtful wisecracks that have nothing to contribute to discussion. You might want to read the Catechism someday, but the print is very small, and you have a lot of talking to do--so you might not want to bother.


Do you recognize the irony in that little thing you just wrote? Come off your high horse, man. I can very easily discuss things without tossing in witty little barbs, but you obviously can't.

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Play nice, boys!


Kev - glad to know you're open to finding out that not all Christians are Bible-thumping hellfire and damnationists. I, like Dyer, am Catholic. Pope John XXIII changed a lot of our old catechism. My mom grew up being told that setting foot in another denomination's church was a sin. That's all changed. Thank heavens!


You will also find that even within denominations people will interpret the application of their faith differently. Bottom line is that everything mortal is a big game of 'telephone' - you have humans trying, in all their flaws and lack of understanding, to interpret things transcendant to other humans. 'Religion' is not to blame for the ills you see; peoples' misuse of religions is. You might find yourself closer to your truth among the Quakers or the B'hai or Buddhists.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

I can very easily discuss things without tossing in witty little barbs, but you obviously can't.

I can too, I just chose not to.


Once again, your posts on Christianity's salvation doctrine are miseducated, not hurtful. It's your wisecracks (witty little barbs?) about child molestation that really got to me.


It would be different if you were inquisitive to the doctrine of various faiths, and not on a mission to find fault in them, especially in such a hurtful manner.

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'Religion' is not to blame for the ills you see; peoples' misuse of religions is.




Precisely. That's what I've been aiming at, moimeme, thank you for saying it perfectly. :bunny:


Anyway, so I have a legitimate question. What's the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament?

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Dyer, we have to accept that people enjoy perpetrating stereotypes. Until the pedophilia issue came up, Catholics were still being criticized for the Inquisition. No need to get bent out of shape about it. It is what it is.

People will also persist in believing that the Atkins diet is safe and healthy. You can't battle deeply-ingrained perception.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

What's the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament?


I'm speaking for Catholic teachings, as I'm a Catholic, and most educated in such doctrine.


Christians do not believe that the Old Testament isn't a neccessary part of our doctrine. The New Testament is a supplement, not a revision. The Old Testament promised Jesus, and the New Testament is a chronicle of what happened after his birth, mainly focusing on the life of Jesus and the stories of the early Church. The Old Testament seems a bit outdated and harsh at times, but it was Jesus's message that the spirit of the law was more important than the letter, hence he healed people on the sabbath, which was punishable by death.


Suggested reading: Corinthians 1:11,12 and Romans 15:4

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Originally posted by moimeme

You can't battle deeply-ingrained perception.

With the amount of hurtful ignorance on this Earth, I'd only hope to prove you wrong. Whether it's rap music or the Catholic church, I'll refuse to be silent about something I care about.

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What's the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament




The Old Testament is the stuff that happened before the birth of Christ. The New Testament is about his life plus letters from St. Paul written after his death and some other books.


Why do you ask?

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