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hi well i have a small problem. A couple years ago i met a guy, Mike, at my friend Mindy's open house, we talked a little but nothing big. Well we live in the same town, and we see each other quite a bit driving around. He always is waving at me,and smiling big, but we never stop to talk to each other. On Saturday I was hanging out Mindy, and we went to the fair that is in town. As we were walking around, I saw Mike, and we was smiling again and staring at me. So I told Mindy and we stopped to talk to him. He gave Mindy a hug, and me a huge hug. It was nice, I felt my stomach leap into my throat. We stood there talking a little while, and he just kept smiling at me. Throughout the rest of the night, we kept running into him and his friends, and he winked at me, and kept on smiling. I am not sure what I should do now. I think that he is interested in me, but I'm not sure. For all I know he could have a girlfriend. I usually see him around town, and I was wondering what I should do next time I see him. I would like to go out with him? But I am a little scared to ask him. Is there anything that I can do to find out if he is interested or not, without seeming immature? Please anyone that can help I appreciate it. And I am sorry that this post was so long.

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billy the kid

Hey Kim Ann, sooooo what to do?? well why don't you act mature and confident and talk to Mike. Ask him if he is seeing anyone now and if not you would like to go to a movie with him..... what do you have to loose??? all he can do is say no.... come on go for it.

hi well i have a small problem. A couple years ago i met a guy, Mike, at my friend Mindy's open house, we talked a little but nothing big. Well we live in the same town, and we see each other quite a bit driving around. He always is waving at me,and smiling big, but we never stop to talk to each other. On Saturday I was hanging out Mindy, and we went to the fair that is in town. As we were walking around, I saw Mike, and we was smiling again and staring at me. So I told Mindy and we stopped to talk to him. He gave Mindy a hug, and me a huge hug. It was nice, I felt my stomach leap into my throat. We stood there talking a little while, and he just kept smiling at me. Throughout the rest of the night, we kept running into him and his friends, and he winked at me, and kept on smiling. I am not sure what I should do now. I think that he is interested in me, but I'm not sure. For all I know he could have a girlfriend. I usually see him around town, and I was wondering what I should do next time I see him. I would like to go out with him? But I am a little scared to ask him. Is there anything that I can do to find out if he is interested or not, without seeming immature? Please anyone that can help I appreciate it. And I am sorry that this post was so long.
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It doesn't really seem like a problem to me. (not that i am down playing your feelings ;) I just think that you are really nervous, and your mind is working overtime. I would start by... asking him to coffee. It is a non-threatening enviorment in which not only you can get to know eachother, but it is a good place for conversation. If he says yes, great. If he says no... you are out a coffee, and you will know that truth without having to have spilled your heart out all over the floor. Good Luck!!!

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