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Dr. Phil thinks internet porn is wrong


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I admire Doctor Phil. Any fat man who can convince people to buy his book on dieting deserves the respect of a nation.

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Originally posted by dyermaker

I admire Doctor Phil. Any fat man who can convince people to buy his book on dieting deserves the respect of a nation.


Whats the matter - never heard the old saying "those who can't do, teach" ? :p



I don't think he's fat.

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I've got nothing against fat people, I just don't think they should write books on not being fat. That's like the Pope writing a book on Atheism.


Perhaps we should look up his BMI?

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I don't think he's a moron. He has come out with some very good stuff, however he's too much into cognitive therapies, which are helpful for some, but not all, situations. He also seems woefully lacking in knowledge about adults with AD/HD and a few other things, but he's not all bad - nor all good. I think it's worthwhile to listen to him and take what's good from what he has to say.

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I think he's a little chubby and I really want to know if he actually has a PhD or MD!


Yes, the things he says are sometimes painfully obvious to us all (i.e. "If you and your wife don't stop fighting about this, you will end up getting divorced!"), sometimes people hear it from him and it's like "Duh, now I get it." Rather like LS. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

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I was convinced he was a lawyer. Still have trouble believing he is a therapist although I find him website interesting. No big revelations though.

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He got his PhD in psych in the 70s. His thesis was on gender issues. I don't think he has his Board certification for California - at least last I checked, he didn't.

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How about Doctor Laura, is she a therapist? :p


Speaking of hypocrisy, Laura, is it okay to star in porn, but not watch it?

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Cut and paste to your browser after the ...http://





Hopefully this will work - or you can go into the Dr.Phil website and type "internet porn" in the search engine and it will return his article.


I'm not commenting on the porn issue. There is no resolution that will satisfy everyone. I think it is interesting how many ways Dr. Phil can say "if you can't do it in front of your spouse/so, then don't do it"

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

So if you can't go to the bathroom in front of your spouse/SO, you should hold it forever and ever?




*I* didn't say it -- Dr. Phil said it! :p

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feeling silly
Originally posted by Errol

Whats the matter - never heard the old saying "those who can't do, teach" ? :p


That's funny, as a matter of fact I've just heard that expression for the first time yesterday.

Currently in school studying to be an English/Literature Teacher. "Thanks Mom for the sense of humor!"


Anyway, I don't think Dr. Phil is fat either. I accually think he quite handsome.


Internet porn though, I think is only bad if it becomes an obsession, involves children, replaces intimacy with a spouse, or displays sexual violence.

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Cited from the website:

It is not OK behavior. It is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into your relationship. It is an insult, it is disloyal and it is cheating.



Viewing Internet pornography or engaging in cybersex is a short step to taking cheating to the next level.



You need to tell your partner that viewing pornography is absolutely, unequivocally unacceptable in your relationship.



Draw a line: Your partner needs to choose between the pornography or the relationship.



Ask yourself or your partner:

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I checked out the "porn is detimental to my relationship" message board on Phil-boy's site. The messsages are almost all from pissed-off wives complaining about their husbands' porn and masturbation habits.


Pretty brutal stuff. Lots of these wives believe they're in competition with porn and losing.


The problem is that the wives watch Dr. Phil, while their husbands are jacking off to porn.


What's a spouse to do?

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