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Jealousy and getting turned on??????????????????

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:rolleyes: Why do some people like it when their partner gets jealous? I mean some of my friends say they get sexually aroused when their bfs get jealous. I am guilty of this myself, I dont know why but its like such a turn on when my bf gets jealous. Although he tries really hard to act like its all good. And wont even say anything to let me know that he is. I can just tell by his change in his body language and stuff like that. And usually when this happens we will have a hot session of love making. Does anyone else get the same effects when their partners get jealous?
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I think it has to do with the 'animal instinct' in us. For someone to get jealous is a strong emotion. An emotion that usual ends up with them proving their worth...


Look at animals....the toughest male usually gets the female.


My boyfriend doesn't get outwardly jealous, he bottles it up, although he is very level headed,so there is much to bottle up :)


We ar all different, but as my partner says....'Jealousy is normal, and hey, least it shows me you give a s***' :)

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Hey Grey!!!

I think as long as it doesn't go overboard, jealousy can be representative of a man being 'protective'. Most women like this trait in a man.


And as Kat said....it shows they give a sh*t.



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A woman who measures a man's affection by his jealousy is living a dream. Jealousy has nothing to do about how much you care and everything to do with feeling left out and insecure. I've been bitterly jealous over women that I had no depth of feeling for at all. And never jealous of the woman I've been in love with for the past 25 years. When you trust someone's feelings for you jealousy just ain't there.


The women that made me the most jealous were the ones I eventually walked away from.

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