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The BS and AP are more alike than you think


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all anyone needs to do is read her other threads, particularly the ones she starts. and you'll all find that she seems to be fixated on the BS, rather than MM, etc.


seems she has a vendetta with BS even though she is the interloper.


and then she wonders why we question her motives in this thread in infidelity.:confused:

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I gotta say... this thread is hilarious! :lmao::lmao:




No, it actually hasn't gotten off target.

What happened? Can't take a little heat? Please delight me. You think you're in a better place than your BS? Yet, you are here trying to study the mind of BS's with all your survey-like threads... interesting!

I wonder what is really your motive. Suspect.


If your MM's W is here on LS "creating" stories, then why don't you set the record straight for her? In reality, you say very little of your RL story. You said that you have basically kept it moving. Why are your still so infused into her R with your xMM and why are they such a vivid memory?


You call posters "bitter", "Jaded", etc (mainly bs's) is this because you see the reflection? Please save the systematic reply of "Please don't post on my thread because your are x,y and z and don't have anything to contribute to this"- that bullshyte doesn't slide and it's gotten old already.

Throw the rock and hide the hand.


Now to answer your question:




Yes we do. We both have breasts, vaginas, 2 legs, 2 arms, hair, etc...

Anything else, NO. She actually degraded herself and has no self-respect for making herself so available to someone that his own words don't mean anything to him, she loved the dude to the point of losing her integrity, something that it's a trait of character. Character is the core essence of person, anything else is just a body.


Me, I sleep well ;), single, and loving life! :) I see who I want, go where I want, buy what I want... Who can complaint! Drama-free zone.



:lmao::lmao:I actually spit my coffee all over my puter screen. I was thinking the same thing and we played hide the wiener with the same wiener.:lmao:

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:lmao::lmao:I actually spit my coffee all over my puter screen. I was thinking the same thing and we played hide the wiener with the same wiener.:lmao:


Agreed, Mimo, you are one funny gal. Yes, this is an entertaining thread to say the least.


OK, I admit, I'm boho's BW.

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So you are really the BS in boho's situation??


are you making up fictional posts like she said? (I doubt you are)


and if this is true, then no wonder she posts about the AP being "vilified" and expecting sympathy.

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You can't be. I am. :lmao:


We are married to the same man??? I'll share with you SG, but boho is out. Do we have a deal?


Meet you at six at the beach house. Hot sex for the 3 of us tonight.

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hahahhah! :lmao::lmao: love it!


I mean, let's cut the nonsense. BohoG, what are you getting out of all these threads? I hope that they are serving a purpose. Either you are an original LSer's alter-ego or you can't be serious. From your 1st post to your very latest, it is a fricking rollercoaster. So tripolar, I don't get it.


You ask questions, you get answers, then get snappy. Then why ask them? WTF you want to hear... tell me babygirl. I'll tell you whatever at this point.


If your MM's W is in fact on LS (like you say she is) If I were you, I would be terribly ashamed of posting such things. F her, your xMM right about now... Why would you want anyone IRL (especially his W) to know how crushed you feel at times? People hide behind a screen to be able to anonymously dish out their deepest emotions, yet here you are knowing that you are being watched by your xMM's W. :confused: Who does that?


Either your motive is to forgive youself, for the BS to forgive something that you feel that you need to be forgiven for, or you just got tons of free time to troll around. Which one is it?


What's popping? :o

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Hey Mimo, do you want to join us tonight? I'm sure our H won't mind if you do.



You said at the beach house, right? My gps has that address defaulted to "home" and my bikini is in the washer since yesterday. DON'T YOU PUT BLEACH ON IT! It's Cavalli besides sharing is caring! :p

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You said at the beach house, right? My gps has that address defaulted to "home" and my bikini is in the washer since yesterday. DON'T YOU PUT BLEACH ON IT! It's Cavalli besides sharing is caring! :p


Ya know Mimo, I just love that bikini. So glad we are the same size and we have so much in common. I hope you don't mind that I'm wearing it now. It's such a beautiful day here and I forgot to bring my own. See you later.

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This thread reminds me of why I hated Jr. High school so much. :laugh:


I try to give people (yes, even OW) the benefit of the doubt, but I can't help but wonder if the OP isn't posting on her iPhone from a locked bathroom stall in between pre-algebra and social studies. :confused:

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Ya know Mimo, I just love that bikini. So glad we are the same size and we have so much in common. I hope you don't mind that I'm wearing it now. It's such a beautiful day here and I forgot to bring my own. See you later.




Herenow, I support you wearing that bikini. I mean, can you believe Mimo threw that in a MACHINE? Everyone knows it needs to be washed by hand. Good thing you came along when you did.

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Herenow, I support you wearing that bikini. I mean, can you believe Mimo threw that in a MACHINE? Everyone knows it needs to be washed by hand. Good thing you came along when you did.


My bad! I was rushing to put on my work suit and go back home exhausted from being the entire day at the "office". :rolleyes:

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