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I Miss My Ex

Mike every girl

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Mike every girl

I've been broken up with my girlfriend for a few months now but can't get her out of my mind. I'm comparing every girl to her while I'm out and there aren't any in my eyes that compare (physically)...our realtionship was one of extreme highs and lows...always a crisis...very passionate!!! She won't return a call or email so I know I need to move on but it just seems like I'm destined to be unhappy or to settle with someone that I don't have an attraction to...what do I need to do to move on and find what I hope is my TRUE soulmate...HELP!!!!!

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You don't need to do anything. You simply need some more time to heal. Be kind to yourself. I will tell you, regardless of what you think of you ex, it sounds like you are a whole lot better off without her. You don't need a lot of highs and lows in your life, unless you are manic depressive...and even then you DON'T need them.


As far as passion is concerned, you can get that from lots of wonderful ladies who would love to be with you once you're ready. It takes each person a different amount of time to get over relationships. Take the time you need and move on...but please don't step back.

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