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bikram yoga anyone?

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Does anyone here do bikram (more commonly known as hot) yoga?


Boy is it intense! A 90 minute workout in a 40 degrees celsius (104 fahrenheit) room designed to work every muscle in your body. Everyone comes out tomato red looking like they've had a shower.


I got some of my guy buddies to come along. They initially rolled their eyes at me when I told them how hard it was but one of them had to lie down half way through and all of them admitted how intense it was. :D

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I've done it. I didn't think it was that intense of a workout, to be honest. Just really, really, really HOT. My biggest issue was getting salty sweat in my eyes. :lmao:


BUT, my good friend SWEARS by it.

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I've done yoga a few times at my regular gym...just the group exercise class version, so it wasn't a specialized yoga studio...but one class, I started sweating profusely from out of nowhere...I thought I was just sweating from my workout before yoga...turns out the instructor cranked the heat up for sh*ts and giggles...


Like Star said, I don't know if it makes the workout that much more difficult...it just made me sweaty... :rolleyes:

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Yeah, I agree with you both. I think a big part of why I find it such a challenge is the heat. But some of those poses aren't easy either! (Atleast for me). Balance is not my strong point but it's something they really accentuate in bikram.

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