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Love Advise

Rochester Stud

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Rochester Stud

I need a little help here....


I hooked up with a guy at a club a while ago we went back to my place ended up in bed together, but I really coulnt do anything with him. I felt to guilty beacuse at the time I was dating some one. After time we became really good friends and I eventually moved in with him. I am now single and hang out with this guy everyday and we do everything together...I am in love with him...I dont know how he feels towards me and I have never gotten the courage to say anything...I am afraid that it may hurt our friendship and make things uncomfortable here at home...


I guess what I am asking for is a little help deciding if I should go through with it...has anyone been in the same kind of situation?

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There are posts about this kind of problem every single day.


The best kind of love is that which builds over time for a friend we get to know better. Like evolves into love.


You should have an intuitive idea about how he feels. If you are both really true friends and he is mature, letting him know how you feel will not change things if he doesn't quyite feel the same way now. But you have no choice but to talk to him.


If you are really afraid of what his reaction might be, just tell him that you really do like him a great deal and if, at some future time he may be so inclined, you would be interested in upgrading the friendship to a higher level...and see what his reaction to that thought is.


Right now, with things hanging, you open yourself up for great hurt if he finds someone else and starts discussing all the details. Act now. You are wasting time.


You are living a lie by hanging out with someone you deeply care for and pretending it's just a platonic friendship. And, when it boils right down to it, you don't want to continue a friendhship with someone you have greater feelings for and subject yourself to pain and hurt in the future.

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