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Wrote a song for my Daughter


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Recorded it on my little Zoom Mrs8 digital recorder. I played everything, drums are the built in drum machine on the unit. All done since last night. I wanted to write one for my little girl. I love my two kids so much and I raised them by myself for 12 years now. Son is 19 and now in Michigan, Daughter jami is 15. It's been tough, but I wouldn't change a thing about the past even if I could.




Hope you parents out there like it.



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Recorded it on my little Zoom Mrs8 digital recorder. I played everything, drums are the built in drum machine on the unit. All done since last night. I wanted to write one for my little girl. I love my two kids so much and I raised them by myself for 12 years now. Son is 19 and now in Michigan, Daughter jami is 15. It's been tough, but I wouldn't change a thing about the past even if I could.




Hope you parents out there like it.



Every little girl should have a daddy like you. I find that fathers are usually very sweet and loving to their daughters, when they are a part of their kid's lives.

It was the love of my gentle and doting Daddy, which anchored me when my mother was abusive.

Keep being a good father sweetie! *hugs*

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Thank you both so much. I love my kids more than anything and I am so glad i got the opportunity to raise them.

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