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to wait or not


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hello love shack i am coming back after a long road.


to start off with i am no longer m's other women.


but know i have another delima i have been seeing someone for about 3 months and have real strong feeling about him. but i guess i am to pushy. how can and how long do i see him while he is still seeing others?


should i give him a choice now or wait and see what happens?

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That's kind of a personal choice and depends on the dynamics of the relationship. I wouldn't want to be intimate with someone who is 'sleeping around'....but I wouldn't mind going to dinner with someone who... was gonna say 'eats with other people'. BWAHAHAHA!


You KNOW what I meant to say. :D


You can't demand someone you are dating to quit seeing other people. You can decide though...that he isn't as serious as you are....and you need someone who is looking for a more committed relationship.


GOOD GOING on getting out of that 'OW' relationship!!! I know it takes time and great energy to get to the other side of one of those. It may be why you really want and need a man who belongs only to you. You deserve it!!!


Good Luck and keep posting.

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