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what is your diet and fitness routine

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here's what I ate yesterday



3 eggs scrambled

bowl of frozen organic berries mixed with greek yogurt

plate of romaine lettuce



peanut butter sandwich with whole wheat low sugar bread and no sugar no salt peanut butter. Apple. Handful of baby carrots. 2 clementines.



Didn't have because I was pretty full from earlier. Had some nachos at the party, lots of alcohol but no beer.


Breakfast looks good, but the rest is hardly enough food to stay healthy, Shadow... Have you looked into your diet perhaps contributing to your pallor and dark circles?

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Eerie - I was considering taking up running - I ran about 2 years ago, when I was only about 107 - 110 lbs at 5 '6. I managed about 30 - 45 minutes, around 8 miles, at 8 - 13 kph.


No you didn't.


8 miles is 12,000 meters.


The female 10,000 meter WORLD Record is 30 minutes.

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No you didn't.


8 miles is 12,000 meters.


The female 10,000 meter WORLD Record is 30 minutes.


Yeah, and a really fast women's 10k race (not just out for a run), which is only 6.2 miles, is around 36-38 minutes. Add on the extra mileage and I doubt OP finished in 30-45...


At the rate she's claiming, that's a 5:37 minute mile, sustained for 8 miles. Hmm.

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I always follow a low carb diet. Lift three days a week, two cardio, two rest days. Here is my cardio workout: jump rope for two min, then speedbag for two. rope two, bag two, rope two, bag two etc. for thirty min.

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I go to a "weight loss & toning" yoga class for an hour a few times a week. I LOVE it, it always makes me sweat & feels like a great workout. I also do more traditional yoga at home by myself a few times a week and I walk my boyfriend's dog once or twice a day. We usually walk about a mile. Yoga & walking the dog are enjoyable to me, so they are constants in my life. :)


I'm a vegetarian & try to eat pretty healthy... but refined carbs are my weakness! I LOVE bagels, white bread, pasta, pizza.... mmmmm. I eat a few servings of fruit in the morning, and 1-2 hours later something savory like tofu scramble w/ spinach & toast, or sweet potato & onion & pepper hash with veg sausage. I have to be mindful to make sure I get my veggies in, so I try to have a salad or some raw veggies with lunch, and I eat a lot of homemade soups that contain lots of veggies. Still, I have to admit I usually start the day out pretty well and then get bored with the healthy stuff and eat a few pieces of pizza or a big cheese quesadilla for dinner. :rolleyes: (I'm REALLY craving a quesadilla right now, actually! I had one last night, too... :confused:)


I drink a lot of water & very rarely juice or soda.... but I do drink alcohol. And lots of coffee, which I don't think is very good for me. But I'm always shocked by people who are so strict with diet/exercise, but then they guzzle soda/juice throughout the day....? I guess someone could say the same thing about me having a few beers though, right? (Although that's not a daily thing of course.)


Anyway I guess this works for me, I'm 5'7" 120 lbs, but I do kind of consider myself to be a "skinny fat," meaning I need to build up some muscle strength. I've noticed a difference since I started my weight loss & toning yoga class though. Oh yah, and I also do push-ups regularly because my arms piss me off. lol.

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:( I am have gained another 100g or two and I have not even eaten that muchb today, only 1800 calories.


121 lbs at 5 ' 6 :( 116 on my curvy body type looks ideal - it is my celebrity version of my body, aka, the body I have when I am eating fairly optimally most of the time, and I am at the SLIMMEST weight my body can be, whilst still being healthy ( for instance, if I fall ill, I have a few lbs to spare before I become too thin for my body type).


It says I need bloody 1290 calories a day to lose NO WAY man, I have NEVER eaten that little, anything under 1600 calories would make me feel starved.


MY PLAN: eat 1600 - 1700, with a lot of exercise. I will do my Matt workout DVD AND another activity daily.


I have not been as active as I would like to have been laterly, so here is my chance, since weigh loss is motivation.


Make me believe - I also tried yoga in Hong Kong whilst staying there earlier on this year. I was about 5 ' 6 and 112 - 114 lbs, and doing yoga once a week, and I walked a fair amount every day too, and I also did an at home Pilates DVD.


When I am at my bodies slimmest weight ( whilst still being healthy of course), I am about 115 lbs, and I find that yoga, Pilates, and walking are enough to create the body I want.


Honestly, at 5'7 and 120 lbs, you obviously have a small body type ( lucky thing!) and therefore doing that much yoga and walking TWICE daily, should honestly be enough to keep your body firm.


ONE THING I WOULD ADD; 2 - 3 days a week, do some at home work such as squats, lunges, push ups, and triceps dips. Do about 2 - 3 sets of 12 - 15.


For us, doing a lot of lower intensity things, such as walking and yoga, instead of doing shorter amounts of heavier weights, can sometimes do it for us.


I personally hate it when my muscles become to developed, and I prefer to be more soft and womenly, so I find that dong at home Pilates DVDs are great, and I WOULD LOVE to do yoga if I could afford it a few days a week.


ACTUALLY, I am going to start yoga because mum gives me what I want if it is important to me, and I consider improving my body a worthy investment.


THINGS I AM ADDING TO MY ROUTINE NEXT WEEK: martial arts, yoga, a couple of high intensity cardio sessions, and more walking than usual.


FOOD WISE: I have NOT had chicken or meat or fish in WEEKS; literally, I have eaten boiled eggs occasionally, but I have loved off bread and cheese and sweet potato and fruit and vegetables and raw organic chocolate.


SO, i WILL be having beef mince patties I make from mixing mince with mixed herbs, tomorrow for dinner.


I cannot believe I am 55 kilos omg. Sorry. It is hard for me. I have to talk to my psychologist to learn how to deal with being at this weight. :( :(. But it really is this simple; I like my body better when it is thinner, and no matter how good my life is, I will always have this visual preference.


But d/w. I am not harsh on others; I genuinly only want people to eat clean and real food, and to find exercises that they enjoy enough to sustain, and tweak it to work for them. I have not preference for other peoples weight, I just want them to attain optimal health.


This sucks; I was eating 2500 calories to gain weight and I gained very slowly, yet now I am eating way less and my weight fluctates to THE SAME weight as I was, WHILE I was gaining.


I have not been counting ccalories laterly so it would be easy for me to over eat, though, since I do eat a lot of nuts and I can eat epic amounts of them without feeling full or sick.

Edited by Leigh 87
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make me believe

Thanks for the advice, Leigh :) I used to have a routine I did of lunges, push-ups, & tricep dips a few times a week but I haven't done it in a couple months. I should get back to it because I did notice a difference in my muscle tone when I was doing that stuff regularly.


Do you weigh yourself everyday? If so, maybe you should stop? I personally don't find it helpful to weigh myself everyday because I find that it causes me to obsess over every pound or two that I "gain", even though that pound is usually "lost" the next day. Weight can fluctuate so much on a daily basis that I think it's best to go by how you look & how you're fitting into your clothes rather than what the scale says everyday.


Oh and ps: I am the same as you with the nuts!! I can eat sooo many of them. Peanut butter is even worse for me... I can eat spoonful after spoonful if I let myself! :o

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Make me believe - I thought that you already knew about the things you could be doing that would make a difference, the reason I mentioned them was more to remind you, not because I thought you were too silly to already know of those things; I knew you already KNEW what you " could" be doing. But KNOWING and DOING are entirely different things haha.


I mean, I KNOW what more optimal is for me on a daily basis, but I am just done with having to be perfect, I am just trying to be logical and to make small changes that I maintain and are consistant. No use setting huge goals if you cannot commit to small ones.


I also enjoy eating vegetarian; I enjoy bread, peanut butter, organic sugar free vegetable burgers, goats cheese, yum. However, I just feel that meat, chicken, and fish are more ideal for me than bread and legumes and vegetable protein - it is just how I view food, based on what I have read about it! But that is not to say I would ever judge what others eat.


So long as people avoid sugar or chemicals, I am not so phased with WHAT food group they eat ( if they eat bread and vegetarian proteins, or if they decide to go against that and eat a paleo style diet, which is high in animal protein and has no grains).


When I do not count calories and basically eat what I want when I want, I am about 120 lbs. But I do have a curvy breasts and a butt so I guess I should just accept it. Not being thin is not what is going to prevent me from making a friend.


I just have to accept that I will not be as thin as I would like to be. Not liking my weight does not upset me any more, though. Now it is just a visual preference; I prefer the way I LOOK thinner, but I no longer feel upset over not looking the way that I think looks better.


TRYING to lose weight for me would be a bad idea. Moreover, I am just happy that I can sleep and that I feel normal now that I am a healthy weight.


So I will just try to eat clean and avoid the bizzar chemicals in food, and refined sugar ( chemicals and sugar have only been consumed in the past 100 or less years, some chemicals have only been around for a few years).


Basically; if I eat only real food, the way humans have evolved eating and have best adapted to, and if I also keep being active, which I naturally am any way, I will have clear skin, and will look ad slim and healthy as I can for MY body.


I have reached the conclusion that I will feel happier if I make the most out of my own body, which is to do pilates or yoga or tracey andersons matt dvd daily, and also add bouts of more intense cardio occasionally.

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So I will just try to eat clean and avoid the bizzar chemicals in food, and refined sugar ( chemicals and sugar have only been consumed in the past 100 or less years, some chemicals have only been around for a few years).




Choosing to avoid sugar is fine, but in fact sugar has been used by humans since before the birth of Christ. It arrived in the West (Europe) around 1099. The refinement of sugar (as we know it today - technically, anything but pure cane juice is "refined") commenced in Venice Italy in the 15th century.


Since you seem to present yourself as a sort of expert on nutrition, I thought you'd like to know.

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I also enjoy eating vegetarian; I enjoy bread, peanut butter, organic sugar free vegetable burgers, goats cheese, yum.



I like how you say you enjoy eating vegetarian, but don't list one vegetable... maybe the veggie burgers.... but usually if someone says "I like to eat vegetarian" I kind of think they would run through a list of... vegetables?

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I DO NOT think I am an expert in nutrition...


I have not, and do not try to act like I am a know it all,


I am simply describing how I view food. I have neber once thought I was an expert.


I do, however, know that I know more than the average person does, and I do believe that white, refined sugar is NOT something that has been consumed for long in our evolution, and I do not think our bodies have adapted to sugar, in the amounts in which we consume it.


I have an opinion on nutrition, which is based on my own research and personal experince; I have been over weight for my body type before, and I have also been under weight, so I do have some experience in regards to what is and what is not a good amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight, and what will lower the metabolism.


Please do not confuse me having an opinion, with me thinking that I am some " know it all". My view is that I am 23, and know nothing about pretty much anything....



Thankds for sharing the info on sugar - but I still do not view sugar as a food that humans have evolved eating for long enough for us to have adapted " well" to it.


Obivously we have not adapted well to honey or maple syrup, either, as I am sure we did not just drink bottles of it while we were evolving and living in nature ( we would have had no bottles, or easy way to extract honey).


Some people are more anal about it than I am. You may have heard about those paleo people, who avoid grains and legumes and dairy, because, for example, grains have only been consumed since about 10,000 years ago, so many people do not feel we have adapted to them.


Paleo people eat mostly meat and protein and vegetables, some eat sweet potato's. They have even picked up on weird things, such as that tomato's, white potatos, avocado's, certain nuts, and peanutsm, are " new foods", and should not be eating, LOL!


Although I have read about it and I even followed it years ago, during my time in which I experimented. I mean, I still am experimentingm, as we all are, in finding what feels good for us.


Paleo style did feel good, and I had better skin when i avoided grains and legumes and dairy. But this could have been for a number of unrelated reasons, such as that I had a lot of olive oil and did not eat any processed foods, so my skin could have been glowing for several reasons.


LASTLY - when I say I have been eating VEGETERIAN, what I MEAN, is that since moving to my new town, for reasons I will not go into, I have not been eating a balanced dinner, which for me, is normally protein with vegetables.


For the last 2 - 3 months, for several reasons, I have eaten a very high fat diet ( recovery from a restrictive raw vegan phase, from being under weight, and to rebel against my new found freedom with food, and because I have been too depressed at times to take thet ime to cook balanced dinners with veggies and meat like I believe I should eat for dinner).


I have lived off a lot of raw sugar free pure chocolate, potato chips, and bread; after days of a lot of fatm in addition to the bread, I did not feel like a heavy meat and vegetable dinner, and instead naturally have developed a tendenchy towardsa greek fetta salad, or boiled egg salad, for dinner.


I have naturally started to eat in this way which I have described, which I consider to be vegetarian - with eggs and cheese b eing toe only animal products I have eaten.


This is not the way that I view as ideal to eat, however, it is just one of these things that has naturally happened for me, which I haveno problem with - I have just been going through a phase in life where I have feltl ike eating inthis manner.


I have not eaten much legumes though, as I am not a fan of lentils and chickpeas and etc - I prefer to get eat red meat, fish, and chicken for protein, as well as nuts for vegetarian.


So that is a little about how I eat right now - I enjoy learning about how different people eat, and for what reasons, as I like learning anything do to with this area.


I have been eating a very high fat diet - I just find that fat gives me very nice skin andI prefer higher fat diets, however, I am about to start cutting the fat intake back, because my cholesterol is slightly high now.


LOL - initially, I ate high fat because I was a tad under weight, and I had been eating a strict raw vegan diet, and so I felt that a high fat diet would replenish my body and just " look after me" after my health broke down down to under weight and restrictive eating.


Moreover, anorexics ( which I was not this time around, but still had an eating disorder), have to eat a veryu high fat diet to get their periods back a lot of the time, so I did it for my reprodutive health too.


But I never was that under weight or ill, because I have always ate clean, avoided chemicals, and had a high concentration of nutrients... so I never really NEEDED to " repair" my body lol...


I AM going to continue to have 30 - 35% of my calories from fat, though. Which is much lower than I have been having, LOL!


I have developed a weird ability to be able to eat a whole jar of PB if I WANT to; because for years prir to thsi, I was under weight, so binging and eating a WHOLE 2000 calorie jar of pb WAS NOT HARD FOR ME.


I needed to gain weight any ways so I did not rapidly become fat from doing this, lol!


SO now that I am a normal healthy weight, I still could eat a HUGE amount of PB, nut butter, or nuts, without flinching.


LASTLY - weighed myself this morning, and I am back to 119.46 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not drink enough water, so the fact I may be a little dehydrated at times could impact the scales, in addition to being " blocked up", and needing to poop LOL.


YUM I just had a raw cacoa bar to wake me up- it is made from raw cacoa powder ( 20% of bar is), dates, sultana's, and coconut. IT IS SOOOO NICE omg, but only small thankfully.


Raw chocolate BLOCKS, by another company, are ALSO something I can eat epic amounts of - I eat entire 400 - 500 calories blocks in one sitting, easily.


BUt again, the ingredients are only: pure raw cacoa, agave nectar, and vanilla flavour, and whatever fruit or nuts chosen. My fave flavor is sour cherry.......


SO that is a problem - the fact that the chocolate I eat has nothing " harmful" in it, has lead to me eating it as a meal replacement, simply because it is not bad for me.


We are so accustomed to viewing chocolate as unhealthy, because it has not only the cacoa, but also emulsifiers, preservatives, milk solids from non organic cows, among other sugary artificial substances in them....


That is why I am so thrilled that I can eat chocolate that is actual chocolate; but some people can still not fathom that pure cacoa chocolate can be healthy.. because cacoa in itself is very healthful.


That is my food blog for the day, seeya all later, I DO NOT THINK I AM SOME EXPERT okay, I just like talking about food and my believes surounding food.

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I like how you say you enjoy eating vegetarian, but don't list one vegetable... maybe the veggie burgers.... but usually if someone says "I like to eat vegetarian" I kind of think they would run through a list of... vegetables?


Agreed. Most vegetarians I know would be rattling off fruits, vegetables and legumes as their staples. Weird.

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lol, star - I have not actively tried to be vegetarian, but rather it is just technically how I have eaten in these past few months - it is not something that I planned.


The way I have just been eating has been technically vegetarian, given that eggs and cheese and yoghurt are the only animal prroducts I have been consuming. I have not actively been TRYING to eat " vegetarian". If I did choose to become a vegertarian, I would plan it so that I had a balanced vegetarian diet, with vegetarian sources of proteins - I would not intentionally set myself a diet of raw chocolate, loads of bread, and loads of peanut butter daily, lol.


Although these foods in themselves have no harmful chemicals in them ( which I am averse to eating), they still do not make for a balanced diet.. And some people assume that eating " chocolate" or" lots of bread' or chips" = too many calories, but I have been eating within my caloric range, I have not been binging or eating more than I need. Just the wrong foods.

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OKAY, definite plan of action needed here...


I can do okay not counting calories for a week or so, but after a while I tend to easily over eat. I feel satisfied on normal amounts of food, however; I do not get very strong signs when I over eat, where as most people probably feeel very ill when they eat large amounts.


I think this stems from my eating disorders - I binged a lot in the past, and could eat over 2000 in one sitting, albiet rarely. I have eaten thousands of calories of nut buttes in ont sitting without feeling sick. So now my body just does not flinch when I eat too much, because it is familar with such actions.


I got home from work and was hungry and inhaled more food that I physically would have needed.


I do not eat THAT much more, but on days like today, I really DO over do it. I estimate that I ate about 2200 calories at least, more like 2300 or more though.. and I only need about 2000 with exercise to maintan


PLAN: Pre cook everything for the next 2 - 3 days, and pre portion the nuts and everything. That way, I can grab food at a seconds notice, and be accountable for how much I eat.


I do not need to count calories for a long period of time, but I think for now, I DO need it now and again, so that I can become more familiar with what " over doing it" is.


The way I see it, is that some people genetically, and/ or in addition to life style causes, just do not have strong feelings that indicate they are full; some people can eat much more food, much more easily, then others.


I am one of those people who can easily eat a lot without feeling sick from it, so I need to keep myself in check occasionally....


The thing is, I KNOW how much I should be eating, but even for those of us who know, it still adds up if you let it!


I am going to deal with over eating in a positive way. I actually feel good about it; I over ate, cos I got home from work and felt like stuffing my face a bit too much. No big deal, people do it now andf again.


So I will just work out a little harder the next day or two, and make sure to be more accountable for my calories. Easy.


I feel SO much better from the days where I was 110 - 114 lbs, and would feel the need to exercise for 4 hours a day, when I binged.


HOw do YOU guys deal with over eating? Just common sense, like working out harder for a few days and eating a tad lighter?


I do not actually over eat often, as food has lost its grip over me and I am over it lol. I would rather have sex to deal with my unpleasant feelings. But hey, that is another issue, on another thread I have already started.

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HOw do YOU guys deal with over eating?


Like you said, it's just common sense, and I do nothing differently from what I had done before. We all overeat sometimes, whether it's a night out on the town at a really nice restaurant or just when we snack a little more than usual one day. It's ok to splurge now and then and deviate from our diet plans, just as long as you don't make it a habit.


The only time it becomes a problem is if you start to consistently overeat...instead of overeating once or twice a week, you start eating all-you-can-eat buffets every night for dinner...yea, I've probably sat down and eaten 2000+ calories in a single meal at some points in my life...did I skip my next meal...no...did I work out extra hard that night...no...I just enjoyed the experience and continued with my normal ways...


It's when overeating becomes the norm that you have to worry.

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Thanks for the sensible a dvice, Hokie. In a world where so many women eat 1000 calorie diets and all want to be 110 pounds or lower, it can be hard to see health as the ideal thing to do. Thankfully I have learnt that I can never go back to starving myself again.


I had a problem with binge eating, which as some of you would know, is not the same as over eating; you lose control and you are not doing it to simply enjoy the taste of food more, you are doing it for other underlying reasons.


thankfully I have stopped binging, and can now just over eat in a normal way. Gaining a normal relationships with food is what actually is key for a lot of people. After my food science degree I think I would love to do a psychology degree, because I just love analyzing people's behaviours surrounding food.


For me, what has helped is I now enjoy food, but do not give it enough power to abuse it or rebell against it. Food is to be enjoyed, but I do not seek it when I am depressed orif I over eat or gain weight, I do not view food as the enemy, which I then develop the restrict/binge/I hate food it is evil and makes you fat - cycle.


I think for some people, a large part of what will help them is learning to actually deal with other aspects of their life, so that they are fulfilled int he right areas so as to not NEED to use food to fill any void.


Furthermore, if people learn to accept that the best thing they can do is have the best version of their bodies, rather than trying to lsoe weight to what is unattainable for them, is important. They will not see food as the thing that is prevending them from reaching ther goals, if thery accept a realiost goal for their body types.


I hate my weight, I do not like being 120 lbs at 5 ' 6.I coul dnot get out of bed for months in my new body ( even though it is a good weight for a curvy gal like me). Regardless of hte fact I LIKE the way I look thinner, I have accepted it now so food is not some bad force that holds power over me, because it is not HARD to eat nromal amounts to maintain a weight that is right for my body. I do not need to rebell against anything.


OH, and I think one factor in thin people is that they have stronger signs that signal they are full, and they do not think about food much. I think some of it is genetic; in combination with environmental triggers, genetics allows for some people to just not think much abuot food, and not use it unless they are hungry, or if they want a taste of something they have it and can move on without over eating.


I have been consumed with food before, and my struggle will never leave my mind, but after all of this I... have reached a point where I am " over" food. I can under stand why the skinny people stay thin, because frankly, I just cnnot be bothered with food unless I am either hungry, or I feel like the taste of something.


That is my ramble about food for today. Man, I hope I can get a job where I help people through their food related complexes, because it is honestly whast I would want to spend my time doing.


I feel that if I can go from binging like a crazy person and being obsessed with food, to just getting SICK of food and not bothering with it any more, then if I can do it, any one can over come similar issues lol.

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Goal at the moment: Weight loss.


Exercise regime: Weight Lifting 3x a week and using New Rules of Lifting.

Walk the dog, biking, skateboarding throughout the week.


Diet: Clean eating. Maintaining a 500-700 calorie a day deficit and keep my carbs to under 200g (unless my calories burned for the day call for more carbs) and high protein, roughly 1.25g per lb of lean body mass. I use LoseIt! on my Iphone to track my calorie intake. It's free and really easy to use.

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ON Edge - what is your gender and age? Your plan sounds good, lifting = increased musscle mass and faster metabolism. If I wanted to be able to eat more I would just have to lift weights and develop my muscles/decrease my fat.


700 cal deficit sounds like a challenge, but more power to you if you can maintain it! 500 cal defities are what is more readily prescribed to people for weight loss. Although some people even do well losing slower on a 200 to 300 deficit.


A clean diet has prooved to be the most beneficial for me. I avoid all added chemicals, and also refined white table sugar; I do eat honey and maple syrup but only in small amounts, when needed for a sweet treat.



TODAYS FOOD ( still not protein and veggies, but a clean diet all the same!)


My usual midnight snack : almond butter with less than a teaspoon of maple syrup to sweeten


BREAKFAST: 2 small organic apples


SNACKS: a block of raw sugar free chocolate through out the morning ( ingrdients in the choc r only pure cacoa, vanilla, agave nectar, and dried cherries).


DINNER: large bowl of home made sweet potato and white potato fries make with olive oil and mixed herbs, dipped in salt free tomato paste.


LATER: I will have a snack of some chopps raw celery, organic carrots, with a few macadamia nuts, with some pure balsamic vinegar for dressing for veggies.



I know I am short on protein, but frankly, I could care less, because I am living life and not obsessing over what every meal has to be. As long as I am eating pure food with no chemicals, I look anbd feel my best.


After my eating disorders, it is important to me to be able to just go with what I feel like at the time.


But I have boiled some eggs and will probably eat them as a nid night snack, instead of my usual cheese or yoghurt.



EXERCISE; on my feet all day waiting tables, and plan on going to martial arts later, and then doing a Pilates DVD or tracey andersons matt workout.


FEELING: Good, body feels good, I am feeling good at 120 lbs and realize that although it is not thin, I am actually maintaining it easily and naturally, instead of having to count calories just to make sure I do not exceed them.


I have not been counting calories laterly even though I have been meaning to - I just cannot be bothered lol. I am getting a feeling of what feels best.

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Darn. Myleft ear is badly infected:( So I did nto feel like going to martial arts.


And instead of the celery and few nuts, I had 280 cals of goats cheese hahaha.


But I am adament that part of sucessfully slim people is there ability to just do it and be done with it, and make their next choice healthier.


I am going to do a Pilates DVD and some Lunges and at home things I found on utube, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WOMEN checking these thigs out!


Honestly, it keeps me, a 120 lbs 5 ' 6 women, looking good, without having to go to the gym; type in " the best home workout exercise routine".


There is a black man and women, I think they are partners, going through a routine; it really would work, I am starting to get familar with the moves so I can incorporate them into what a prescribe women to do at home.


I think I want to target women who just want little things they can do consistently, in their own homes, so that even on bad days they can ski the gym and at least do something at home, in their own time.

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I just thought that, eventhough I have eaten a little more thanmy body may have needed today, and have not worked today, that I am still going to at least to SOMEthing.


I have not b een working out 100% as I know is ideal for me, likewise for my eating habits, but every single day I at least do something.


I think breaking free of the vblack and white mentality is key; I am still sucessful because even though when I fail to meet my goals, I do not think " I have eaten to much, I have blown it any way, why bother at all"


I still like to feel healthy so I at least go and do some form of exercise.


Sometimes, I feel hostile towards people who assume that because I am a ' personal trainer", that I have to be working out harcore and eating perfectly most of the time.


but I manage to keep my body in good condition... simply through doing something small, but every day, even when I screw up.


Yuck my ear is really swollen. My pilates DVD will at least make me feel physically better.

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ON Edge - what is your gender and age? Your plan sounds good, lifting = increased musscle mass and faster metabolism. If I wanted to be able to eat more I would just have to lift weights and develop my muscles/decrease my fat.


700 cal deficit sounds like a challenge, but more power to you if you can maintain it! 500 cal defities are what is more readily prescribed to people for weight loss. Although some people even do well losing slower on a 200 to 300 deficit.


A clean diet has prooved to be the most beneficial for me. I avoid all added chemicals, and also refined white table sugar; I do eat honey and maple syrup but only in small amounts, when needed for a sweet treat.



TODAYS FOOD ( still not protein and veggies, but a clean diet all the same!)


My usual midnight snack : almond butter with less than a teaspoon of maple syrup to sweeten


BREAKFAST: 2 small organic apples


SNACKS: a block of raw sugar free chocolate through out the morning ( ingrdients in the choc r only pure cacoa, vanilla, agave nectar, and dried cherries).


DINNER: large bowl of home made sweet potato and white potato fries make with olive oil and mixed herbs, dipped in salt free tomato paste.


LATER: I will have a snack of some chopps raw celery, organic carrots, with a few macadamia nuts, with some pure balsamic vinegar for dressing for veggies.



I know I am short on protein, but frankly, I could care less, because I am living life and not obsessing over what every meal has to be. As long as I am eating pure food with no chemicals, I look anbd feel my best.


After my eating disorders, it is important to me to be able to just go with what I feel like at the time.


But I have boiled some eggs and will probably eat them as a nid night snack, instead of my usual cheese or yoghurt.



EXERCISE; on my feet all day waiting tables, and plan on going to martial arts later, and then doing a Pilates DVD or tracey andersons matt workout.


FEELING: Good, body feels good, I am feeling good at 120 lbs and realize that although it is not thin, I am actually maintaining it easily and naturally, instead of having to count calories just to make sure I do not exceed them.


I have not been counting calories laterly even though I have been meaning to - I just cannot be bothered lol. I am getting a feeling of what feels best.


I'm 28, male. I lost about 60 to 70 pounds and have maintained my weight for about a year. I bulked for the last 6 weeks and now I am cutting again. 700 is tough and I usually aim for 500, but some days I burn a lot of calories while cycling or skateboarding. It's not uncommon for me to burn 1800 calories on a bike ride, and it'd be tough for me to consume close to 4000 calories in one day.

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I'm 28, male. I lost about 60 to 70 pounds and have maintained my weight for about a year. I bulked for the last 6 weeks and now I am cutting again. 700 is tough and I usually aim for 500, but some days I burn a lot of calories while cycling or skateboarding. It's not uncommon for me to burn 1800 calories on a bike ride, and it'd be tough for me to consume close to 4000 calories in one day.


A gallon of whole milk plus a couple of baconators should get you near 4,000 calories.

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How has every ones diet been going? I ended up eating a small round of cheese last night, which would have put my calories slightly above what I would ahve needed ( although I did not count them).


So what I did, is I just added the 280 cals of cheese on to todays tally, and at the end of the day I counted the calories using calculator on a website, and It turns out I only ate about what I would have needed.


this is insuring me even more that if I simply eat what I need I will not need to binge or over eatof fear such notions.


But man, I NEED to work every day and keep busy; I was not due to work so I was eating a lot, then thank god my boss rang from the cafe I am a casual at, ande called me in.


So I worked until dinner and prevented any boredom eating.


I ate:




bout 500 cals of macadamia nuts ( 2 hand fulls)


2 hard boiled eggs


2 dried banana pieces


goji berries mixed with raw chocolate pieces


DINNER: an organic rye sandwhich ( 2 pieces bread spread w/ sunflower seed paste and with a few baby spinach leaves in it)



I am getting out of my disordered eating tendencies too; I did not PLAN on having a sansdwich for dinner. brought the rye bread for dad, and did not realize I felt like a sandwhich until I got home. So I had it.



Again, I am not phased by the proportion of the tyope of foods I eat; of the foods are pure and chemical free, and areonly real food, then I am not harming my body in any way.


I have even wanted to eat more protein meals such as red meat or fish with vegetables every day, however, I simply have been busy thinking about getting my life on track, and have just eaten vegetarian.


Eith eating disorders, you do not let yourself just eat in a way that comes naturlly to the circumstances u are you; you over think things soooo mnuch and do not let yourself just have whatever you feel like having.


So far so good:) I seam to be staying at 120 lbs naturally, without counting calories, so thisI am happy with this. It means that if I want to crack down and pay more attention and lose a few lbs, I can one day.


But for now, so close to my eating disorder, I should just leave weight loss for the time being.


Besides, I feel safer with some extra weight, after having nothing to spare for years.

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