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what is your diet and fitness routine

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A gallon of whole milk plus a couple of baconators should get you near 4,000 calories.


A gallon of whole milk would put me in the ****ter for the entire day.

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A gallon of whole milk would put me in the ****ter for the entire day.


Hahaha, yeah, it does have the potential to do that to some people...

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Well, my goal is to increase my weight in three months around 4 Kg. to 5 Kg. For that I have start walking 2 to 3 Km everyday




Cardio isn't going to help you gain weight. It will help your overall fitness yes but it isn't going to build muscle mass (which is what you mean by gaining weight I imagine) and it will burn fat/calories.


I suggest you look at adding strength training to the cardio as well.

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I'm 30 and my diet is generally pretty good with only a couple fast food days here and there.


I do roughly 400 push-ups 4 to 4 days a week. Takes about 45 min to crank em out in sets of 25 to 50.


The results are amazing! I look great, feel great, libido of a 18yr old, more energy, stronger..... :)

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I'm 30 and my diet is generally pretty good with only a couple fast food days here and there.


I do roughly 400 push-ups 4 to 4 days a week. Takes about 45 min to crank em out in sets of 25 to 50.


The results are amazing! I look great, feel great, libido of a 18yr old, more energy, stronger..... :)


I don't have any comment on your post other than...




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let's see:





  • breakfast: a black coffee and a cigarette before work. sometimes i'll opt for a cafe con leche ("latte") by adding milk and sugar to my coffee.
  • lunch: whatever is fast. usually a cheese croissant with chips and diet soda.
  • dinner: veggie burgers, veggie omelets, rice, pasta, etc. stuff like that. whatever i eat, i will eat it with disgusting amounts of cheese. i will also have a diet coke.

i try to squeeze in a bottle of water every now and then. i drink way too much diet soda. i eat a lot of veggies not because i'm healthy, but because i don't eat meat. i truly eat a lot of crap.




  • monday-sunday: i try to maybe go on the elliptical thing once a week for 30 minutes. other than that, my thumb is the only thing that gets a workout. sometimes i read.

clearly, i have problems.


i'm 5'2" and weigh like a trillion lbs. i disguise my fatness with my thunder thighs and big hips. you guys make me depressed. :lmao:

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I eat whole grains, plenty of fruits and veggies and lean meats. My big thing is portion control and sweets. I found the bulk section in vitamin cottage is a great inexpensive way to eat organic whole grains, because some of it is less than the stuff at other stores (ie oatmeal). I bike to school/work when the weather permits, take martial arts 2x a week and practice a few times a week. I just started yoga, which I love because it doesn't make me more hungary like every other exercise. Honey is about the same nutritionally as cane sugar, but it is good for a sore throat. The main difference is the bleaching process involved in cane sugar. If you have a hard time keeping weight on those are perfect sugars to maintain a healthy weight, just eat them in moderation. Good luck!

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You know the foods that belong to a healthy diet, and those who do not. The obvious first choice is not buying fattening foods that you call from the office, but in reality, there will be items in your kitchen that your family loves you should not eat.

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Like you said, it's just common sense, and I do nothing differently from what I had done before. We all overeat sometimes, whether it's a night out on the town at a really nice restaurant or just when we snack a little more than usual one day. It's ok to splurge now and then and deviate from our diet plans, just as long as you don't make it a habit.


The only time it becomes a problem is if you start to consistently overeat...instead of overeating once or twice a week, you start eating all-you-can-eat buffets every night for dinner...yea, I've probably sat down and eaten 2000+ calories in a single meal at some points in my life...did I skip my next meal...no...did I work out extra hard that night...no...I just enjoyed the experience and continued with my normal ways...


It's when overeating becomes the norm that you have to worry.


man! I love all your advice! I am a fan..lol

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