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whats wrong with my boyfriend?

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lately my boyfriend is being a real jerk. i will ask him something i asked him before and he will answer me by saying somthing like, "i already told you once" or "didn't you hear me the first time" he sometimes says it in a mean way, sometimes in a sarcastic way and sometimes in a question way without any sarcasm. my daughter (19) has taken to calling him a "jerk" lately, which seems true lately. i realize he is under a lot of stress with work and his family, but i don't understand why lately he has been acting like he is hollier then tho. i hate this. it confusses my feelings for him. i feel like the psycho path here cause one minute he is so loving then the next he is so insensitive and rude. what about unconditional love? arent i suppose to love him unconditionally? even when he has bad days? or in his case bad moments :) what can i do? other then that he is a pretty good guy. i love him alot and he says things about when we get married so i know he has long term intentions for us and i want that too, but sometimes i want to tell him to mind his own business and get off his high horse. sometimes he tells me what to do with my cleaning business and that is fine, i listen to him, but am expected to do what he suggests or he gets mad, like his ideas are too good for me to throw away, he says he is just trying to "help me". i appreciate it, and he has helped me alot, he helped me get my whole business running and does alot of my promotion advertising and some other things so i feel i should listen and do what the suggests and when i don't i feel like i'm being selfish. sorry this got so long. i guess i had a lot more on my chest then i realized. leaving is something i don't want to do.

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I'm sorry,but I don't think you can blame his behaviour on stress. I feel bad because I know what you're going through,because I've had a similar experience. Somehow,some way ,he lost respect for you.It might have been something you did/said,it might have been something he THINKS you did/said.It might simply be his opinion of you.Either way,he lost respect for you.And he shows it in the way he talks to you. Even stressed out,would you talk to someone you loved like that? I certainly wouldn't.


Respect is a MUST in a relationship.If he doesn't have it for you tell him to get some real fast or get out. Just my opinion of course.Ask your friends what they think.

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