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Bestfriend hanging out with my girlfriend?

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Okay so me and my girlfriend have been going out for a few weeks now and my best friend found out a week ago and ever since his been talking to her non stop on online chat and during the week he was in the area (he doesnt go to our school) so he asked her to hang out but i didn't really care cause he said he wanted to meet her, now he has asked her to the movies and I told him that its weird to ask your friends girlfriend to places and he just said its like going out with a friend and i was like friend? youve only known her for one week... What should i say to my girlfriend or friend but i dont want to seem like a ******* but this is really bugging me, also he was like i see y u like her shes really nice and can make conversation

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Definitely wouldn't sit well with me. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but your best friend is lavishing WAY more attention on your GF than a guy should be on his best buddy's new GF. And he's lavishing said attention without you in the picture.


Be on your guard... he could be trying to scoop her. And if he is, then he should rapidly become your ex-best friend.

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Tell him to back off. Straight up, back off dude. Of course if she is going along with it you are probably barking up the wrong tree.


It sucks man, like a black hole.

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This is absolutely unacceptable. Would your girlfriend want you to hang out with other girls? This is totally disrespectful to you and your relationship He does not sound like much of a friend to me.

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ok today my friend took my girlfriend phone and against her will sent me a text saying (his name) was sexy i then had some talk with her saying how i wasn't comfortable with the fact she hanging out and talking alot to my friend and she understood and agreed that the situation was kinda weird, suspicious and sketchy and said for me not to worry cose she loves me and would never leave me for him. Afterwards i had a talk with my friend saying my girlfriend said u took her phone and sent the message when she said dont send any messages i believe her cose u have done that to me too. he replied aggressively saying how it was a joke and i was being a pussy about it. throughout the convo he swore more and got more aggressive yet i remained calm and then finally he went "get over it and F**k off and he removed me as a friend so i couldnt say anymore

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This tells you all you need to know. He clearly is very jealous of you and wants your girlfriend. He was not the good friend you thought he was. Have your girlfriend and yourself cut communications with him and good riddance to him. Don't let him mess up your relationship which is clearly what he wishes to do.

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ok today my friend took my girlfriend phone and against her will sent me a text saying (his name) was sexy i then had some talk with her saying how i wasn't comfortable with the fact she hanging out and talking alot to my friend and she understood and agreed that the situation was kinda weird, suspicious and sketchy and said for me not to worry cose she loves me and would never leave me for him. Afterwards i had a talk with my friend saying my girlfriend said u took her phone and sent the message when she said dont send any messages i believe her cose u have done that to me too. he replied aggressively saying how it was a joke and i was being a pussy about it. throughout the convo he swore more and got more aggressive yet i remained calm and then finally he went "get over it and F**k off and he removed me as a friend so i couldnt say anymore


And she hasn't contacted you in the meantime?


That's the last time they ever hang out, which in the first place was dodgy. Put your foot down, that is messed up.

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Hmm... ditch the girl and boot her to the curve. It is obvious you need to put your foot down and just end it.


Your friend really is not a friend but being a guy I understand. Still you two are not friends and just friends on paper.

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being friends is one thing.


chatting behind your back and hanging out alone without you, not good.


If your gf is considering meeting him, or has went out with him, I'd give her walking papers and put her on the curb.

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being friends is one thing.


chatting behind your back and hanging out alone without you, not good.


If your gf is considering meeting him, or has went out with him, I'd give her walking papers and put her on the curb.


Yeah, this. It's not just the dude that would piss me off, the woman has to take some responsibility herself.


See, things like this aren't necessarily bad, because they expose people. If something like this happens to me, I just shrug and say well obviously my friend wasn't a friend and she wasn't meant to be my lady, either. Happily go on with my life.


The only thing I'm wondering about here is age. When I was younger - like 16 to 21 - the rules of dating were a little less clear. We all dated around and the lines were often blurred. A lot of dudes would scavenge off of each other, especially since it wasn't always clear if a couple was really dating or just kinda dating for shags.

Edited by amerikajin
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What a tool this "friend" of yours is, way way over the line. And it's not just for the obvious reason of disloyalty, but for the reason that it's understood that you are to set the pace for interactions with your GFs among your friends, not them, especially in a brand new relationship.


Get new friends, and if she has been accepting his attention, dump her.

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this is how girlfriends get stolen.


from personal experience.


Nah, let's not thing of partners as property. Whether we realize it or not, when we do that, we're basically excusing their own role in this. The fact is she's choosing to hang around this guy and, in the process, choosing to ignore the sensitivities of her boyfriend (the OP). Once we acknowledge that partners have choices -- even if those choices are compounded by the choices of our "friends" to stab us in the back -- it makes things more objective. Judge the friend, but judge her,too.

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