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How do I be affectionate with words and speech?

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Help and suggestions wanted!?!?!


My girl and I havent been doing so well over the coarse of our relationship, but things have picked up for the past 4 months now. But one thing she mentioned to me today was that I was not very affectionate. Meaning, yeah I hugged her and stroked her hair, loved on her, but I am not affectionate in the way I talk to her anymore. Frankly, I dont remember how I used to be affectionate that way, I am not sure what to say or do to improve on being more affectionate in my words. Please help......

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Do you ever just turn and look at her and just admire her for all the things that she means to you? Sometimes my boyfriend does that to me......I blush 'cause I can see the love in his eyes when he is looking at me. It just tickles me pink! He also sends me text messages on my cell phone saying really corney things but I love it....I think most girls do.


You don't have to be the perfect "romancer" just be yourself - by that I mean that you don't have to sound like a Hallmark card just say how you feel. If she has just done something to make you smile, then tell her that. Take her in your arms and simply say "you make me smile honey" she'll love it!


Good Luck,



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