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Where they all went wrong (long post)


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Being single for as long I have, I've had a lot of time to observe how dating services operate. Granted, a lot of them are just cash mills for the people who run them, and a lot of people who say they're single and looking ARE just game players... but there are 4 main things I've figured out which the industry has been doing wrong the whole time. The operators have not seemed to realize that fixing these 4 simple problems would result in a lot more business for themselves and a lot fewer bitter singles in the real world.


1. Not filtering out the players

Unfortunately the only way to filter out the game players is to have them appear in person at a brick-and-mortar office to make sure they are who they say they are. Anyone can be whoever they want to be online, but if I was one of these jokers, the last thing I'd want is to get verified in person. Only people who show up and prove they are who they say they are, would be allowed access to the company's online profiles. The main drawback to this is, it would work in a big city like NYC or Chicago or LA, but you're out of luck if you live in a small town. Can't win 'em all, I guess...


2. Dealing with unresponsive singles

If at least 3 other members send you messages that you fail to respond to, you should get an automatic 30-day suspension. Nobody wants to join a dating service to be given the silent treatment.


3. Dealing with people who don't know what they want

The days of the "any old cow/bull" mentality are long gone, but someone forgot to tell dating service operators! About 1/2 year ago, I met a REALLY competent relationship coach who had followed her own advice and is now happily married. She said that if you know what you want in a partner and you're willing to sit down and write out a list, you're not being anal, you're taking a big step toward nipping a bad relationship in the bud. Even my divorced male friend sometimes mopes to me that he wishes he'd been as picky as I am.


4. Giving in to the temptation to go upscale

Unfortunately it seems like the dating services that offer anything close to #2 and #3, are all run by credentialed professionals who have very high opinions of themselves, charge thousands of dollars, and think they know better than you what you're looking for in a partner. One reason why they charge so much is because so many of their clientele sue them for hooking them up with the wrong person. Of course, if you live in Los Angeles, you already know we have no shortage of high-income singles who are emotional disaster cases to begin with...


So there you have it. The formula for success in today's dating scene, regardless of which side of the desk you're on.

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Yo quiero Taco Bell

You and me, we be soul mates and we have this website to thank for making the match!


No te hacen cosquillas hasta que las vacas divertido saltar en las pelotas?

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No te hacen cosquillas hasta que las vacas divertido saltar en las pelotas?


:confused::eek:OMG~ i can not believe you just said That! :o

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No te hacen cosquillas hasta que las vacas divertido saltar en las pelotas?


Pinche vieja pendeja. Chupa mi huevos.

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