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Need resources on learning how to meditate effectively. Anybody have suggestions?


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I am really into learning meditation and what kinds there are out there. Anyways, been looking alot of the web and was wondering if anyone can recommend any really really good websites that deal with the different kinds of meditation that is out there.

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There are many kinds of meditation, many of which really require an instructor. However, the following link may be of some help: http://www.zader.com/mudita/archives/000110.html


The meditation you need to choose is heavily dependent upon your objectives. Ghandi's objective in meditating was to free India from British rule. Your objective may simply be to reduce stress levels so you feel better. Once you're clear on what you want to accomplish, you can better set up a meditation that will be effective for achieving your goal.


Breathing exercises are very important as well as clearing your mind of clutter. Call around to see if local recreation or spiritual centers have classes in meditation. Most of them do from time to time and plan to attend. Meditating on a regular basis will help you live better and longer. If you work hard enough at it, you can even help manifest many positive things in your life by changing thought patters and removing negative clutter from your mind.


For many more meditation resources, enter "How to Meditate" in a good search engine such as google and you'll find hundreds of sites for help.


Good luck!

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