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boyishly handsome or manly good looks?


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No who is he when he's knocking on my door while I'm watching Inbetweeners?


Former Chancellor to the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher's (:sick:) Conservative government :sick::sick::sick:



Anyway - we should stop this t/j


Back on topic - I like men, not pretty boys

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Former Chancellor to the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher's (:sick:) Conservative government :sick::sick::sick:


If Margaret Thatcher was 60 years younger and single, I'd ask her out. She was all woman. Women are only jealous of her because she was the only woman since Cleopatra to have immense power at her finger tips. What a woman. I shall cry endlessly when she passes away.


So, Anne what do you make of Phil Mitchell is he the type of man you'd go for? :laugh:

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If Margaret Thatcher was 60 years younger and single, I'd ask her out. She was all woman. Women are only jealous of her because she was the only woman since Cleopatra to have immense power at her finger tips. What a woman. I shall cry endlessly when she passes away.


So, Anne what do you make of Phil Mitchell is he the type of man you'd go for? :laugh:


I best not comment more on Thatcher because I am sure I will breach TOC of this site :laugh:


Phil Mitchell? :sick::sick::sick: It's Arthur Fowler for me ;):laugh:

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Phil Mitchell? :sick::sick::sick: It's Arthur Fowler for me ;):laugh:


Jesus Anne, you must be well into your fifties. :laugh:


Are you sure Arthur Scargill isn't more your cup of tea?

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If Christian Bale is boyish than I'm a post-op transsexual.


The man is anything but boyish, he's the epitome of an Alpha Male. He could have stared as King Leonidas in 300 instead of Gerard Butler and would have looked the part.


enrique iglesias epitomises boyish.


Christian Bale is very boyish if you look past the muscular physique and ballsy attitude. His face is classically handsome, but also rather delicate in some ways -- he has a slender jaw. And he has a boyish grin.

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Christian Bale is very boyish if you look past the muscular physique and ballsy attitude. His face is classically handsome, but also rather delicate in some ways -- he has a slender jaw. And he has a boyish grin.


Yep, I agree completely. It's the big manly jaws that I don't like.

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I think Eric Bana is probably the closest to my ideal man, physically. I love the soulful expression in his eyes. Whether he's more boyish or more manly is difficult to say. I think he's a delightful combination of the two.


Interesting, I was thinking of him and couldn't decide which category he fell into. All I know is I don't like him.


It's funny you consider his expression soulful, because my predominant reaction his face for me has always been: DUMB. The DUMB look kills any attraction in me.

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Yep, I agree completely. It's the big manly jaws that I don't like.


Ha, me too! I dunno what it is. I just think of tarzan, or dad, or some meathead caveman. Really thick necks also turn me off in the same way kind of.


There are a few guys who have wider jaws and still manage to look boyish because their other features are so beautiful. Young Marlon Brando is one. :love: He has a perfect mixture. Probably the only "meathead" type I've ever fancied. His insane intelligence/talent also helps.

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Interesting, I was thinking of him and couldn't decide which category he fell into. All I know is I don't like him.


It's funny you consider his expression soulful, because my predominant reaction his face for me has always been: DUMB. The DUMB look kills any attraction in me.


He seems to have a few more neurons firing here:



Too bad this isn't how he usually looks.

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I like a combination of the two, but mostly I prefer boyish. I don't get what's so hot about Jon Hamm or Daniel Craig, like another poster said, but oh, Bradley Cooper...I want his babies. I've also had a crush on Pharrell Williams since I was in high school.


My type has always run to "pretty" boys, looks-wise. My BF is very much a pretty boy. Like the guys on "Gossip Girl", for example, only with much darker coloring. He has small, refined features: slim nose, great cheekbones, slight cleft chin. His skin is as smooth as a baby's; he's 27 and he still gets carded. :laugh: His build is slight; he's 5'8" and we weigh about the same amount. I think he's gorgeous. :love:

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I like a combination of the two, but mostly I prefer boyish. I don't get what's so hot about Jon Hamm or Daniel Craig, like another poster said, but oh, Bradley Cooper...I want his babies. I've also had a crush on Pharrell Williams since I was in high school.


My type has always run to "pretty" boys, looks-wise. My BF is very much a pretty boy. Like the guys on "Gossip Girl", for example, only with much darker coloring. He has small, refined features: slim nose, great cheekbones, slight cleft chin. His skin is as smooth as a baby's; he's 27 and he still gets carded. :laugh: His build is slight; he's 5'8" and we weigh about the same amount. I think he's gorgeous. :love:


The guy I'm seeing is also pretty. haha :laugh: Black hair and pretty black eyes with thick brows, refined features, full lips.

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All I can say is, when I first watched LOTR in my 20s I was looking at the elf. When I watched it again a few weeks ago, Mr. Bloom looked too young and soft--this time I was definitely looking at Aragorn.

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All I can say is, when I first watched LOTR in my 20s I was looking at the elf. When I watched it again a few weeks ago, Mr. Bloom looked too young and soft--this time I was definitely looking at Aragorn.


I always preferred Aragorn. :love: Orlando Bloom is just GIRLY. I wouldn't even call him boyish.

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florence of suburbia

I like manly looks with boyish playfulness in the eyes.


Boyish looks just remind me of all the arsehole little boys I've dealt with over the years.

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christian bale is no way boyish. He looks old and right for his age. I think people here mistake him for boyish because his face is narrow.


A boyishly handsome dude is someone who displays male youth regardless of his age.


Most guys don't hold on to their youthfulness very well and age really quick at 25-30.


I thought Gabriel Aubrey was as old as Halle Berry!!!

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Manly handsomeness does nothing for me. In fact, I simply can't view these guys in a sexual way. They remind me of fathers.


What's so unsexy about fathers? Maybe some women are looking to raise a family with 'dad material.'

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florence of suburbia

All men have a boyishness inside them, it's just some of them have moved on to a manly look and some of them look like they have yet to go through puberty.

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Interesting, I was thinking of him and couldn't decide which category he fell into. All I know is I don't like him.


It's funny you consider his expression soulful, because my predominant reaction his face for me has always been: DUMB. The DUMB look kills any attraction in me.


He's like a taller version of a guy I used to work with. He had those same puppy dog eyes, but he certainly wasn't a dummy.

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This has turned into an odd conversation especially from the men commenting in depth about it


I'm not gay, only on a Monday and my posts were posted on a Thursday, so nothing gay about them plus in my defence, Nigella Lawson is a woman.

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I'm with you on the boyish thing. Always have been more attracted to men with boyish good looks than those with a chiseled, ultra-masculine look.


And your icon reminds me of a prime example: Damon Albarn in his 90's britpop days. In fact, I'd still consider him boyishly good looking, even at 40+.


Swoon. :love:

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