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my girlfriends friends!

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ok here is the thing. my girlfriend and i got back together about 3 weeks ago. i have had many post on this site about our relationship and its been very confusing. but i dont like her friends and her friends dont like me. they have done so much stuff to me and her. they have made her so upset with everything. the night we got back together they got so mad at her they didnt talk to her for about a week. then all the sudden they jsut let it go. they try to get her to break up with me and thats what they did before. she doesnt see what they are trying to do. they want her to be with them the whole time and they did like me and thats why they tried breaking us up before but when they realized that i had no interest in them they didnt even want my girlfriend to go back out with me. they dont want her to be happy. they want her to only be with them so she wont be with me jsut to get back at me. i kinda feel that they are using her to hurt me. everyone that i have talked to even says that that is what they are doing. but she jsut doesnt see it. and i know if i say something to her about it she will probably get mad. or even break up with me. her friends have not been good to her at all and so many people want her to realize it. and another thing about them i feel like i am in competition with them for her time. if i dont ask her if she wants to do something with me in the right amount of time they will already have asked her to do something and she does. i havent been alone with her for 2 weeks now and this weekend i wont even get to be with her at all because fri she is going out with her friends and on sat she is going out with her dad. so i wont get to spend anytime with her this weekend. this mornign we were out of school and i called her at about 11, about the time she wakes up, and i asked her if she wanted to do something but they already got to her. so i dont get to see her tonight tomorrow night and the night after taht and then i dont get to spend any time with her next week. they will try to keep me away from her by doing whatever they can. i dotn like them and i really dont like the way that they treat my girlfreind. and i know ui cant do anything to get her to see what they are doing. they arent good friends to her. they treat her like ****. but she just cant see it. i dont know what to do about this. i want to spend some time alone with her but i know i wont for probably another two weeks. i dont knwo what to do abotu this. please help me with this!!!

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It seems like your girlfriend needs to learn how to prioritize her time with you and enjoy time with friends. I also get the feeling she feels a little smothered by you, and the way she gets out of communicating this to you is by spending extra time with friends. so you really need to sit down and and have a discussion with her about the relationship and how secure and devoted is she to improve things because right now you are not happy nor feeling secure with the current circumstances. She has to learn how to make time for you as her mate, and then time with her friends she has to balance things out without making you feel left out, and those friends will understand this and respect her descisions if they are her true friends. But at the same time you cannot expect for her to change her choice of friends if she wants to continue friendship , you said they are not good friends but that part she has to learn for herself if indeed they are not true friends as they proclaim. Your job is to prove them wrong about you and keep your commitment to your relationship with your girlfriend. Ignore them and their dislikes about you, because you know what type of person you are and your feelings for your girlfriend. So do not lower yourself to that petty level. Try finding more things to do also while she is with friends and you are having some free time , have a bit more trust in her although those friends may be in the way that does not mean she is getting influenced. But if she see you always complaining about them and her going out sometimes she will tend to push away so just learn to have a bit more patience and communicate to her without arguing are bringing up her friends. Let her know how valuable you feel the time the two of you spend together is important to you.

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