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is he lying?

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a few times i think i caught my b'f in a lie. i am not 100% sure tho. he said somethings that didn't add up and when i followed through to see if they did, they didn't. he insists he did not nor does he lie, yet he can't explain these unsolved mysteries. they aren't that big of a deal, nothing even to lie about so i think maybe he's telling the truth, still the doubt lingers. he has lied some in the past and that is my at times, not often i check up on something he may say, just to see if he's telling the truth. most of the time he is. but a couple times he isn't, or evidence points to him saying he isn't. should i quit looking to see if he's lying or blindly trust him and hope for the best.? what can i do?

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If you have to spot check your guy for lies, you should dump him.


Step back from this situation a minute and look at it from afar. You don't trust the guy, obviously. If something he says sounds a little out of kilter, you have to investigate. Is this any way you want to live??? I don't think so.


Now, if you do this with everybody, you should seek counselling to help you with trust issues. But if he's the only one you have to investigate here and there, in the long term it will take more energy than you will want to put into it and you will resent him for having to keep tabs on his truth quotient.


On the other hand, if you enjoy catching him in the act of lying and holding it up to his face...if you get joy in that...then have at it. But that would be part of a very sorry relationship.


His intermittent deception presents a problem you don't need in your life.

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