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How does one get a good nights sleep?

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Hello to the people at Loveshack,


Does anyone know a good remedy to get a good nights sleep? I can't seem to get into sleep mode despite taking a near ritulistic approach. A good nights sleep...how is this achieved?

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Many things can play role....


Do you exercise?


If you do .... Do you do it at night? This can make you hipper...


How late do you have dinner? if it is too late you can't fall sleep because you body is bussy digesting dinner.


How much coffee do you drink and how late?




If you don't think you are doing anything that makes you hipper then.... have dinner early. Take a nice warm bath before bed.... Pick a book and play light music and sip a nice cup of warm camomille tea... trust me that will help you fall sleep.


If it doesn't help... go to a doctor...maybe anxiety or high stress is keeping you awake.

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Thanks bellatina.


I've tried taking some of those approaches. A nice warm bath/music etc. My mind doesn't seem to want to shut off...and, I'm not trying to force it...but sleep usually comes when (I know that I said I wouldn't) eventually at midnight or later I give in and have some scotch or vodka to knock myself out. When I wake it can be oversleep...make sense? And then it's into work. I just a good nights sleep...natural...It was raining the other night and usually the rain aids the process....but of late, it didn't do the trick. I have also taken Mersyndol every now and then (not mixed with drink...). I feel pretty skewered.

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You might want to check on the Love Shack 'search' option and read some of the previous threads on this subject. I think we've had two alone....quite recently. There were a lot of suggestions from various members which you may be able to apply in your own life.


Good Luck!!!

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