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g'bye taressa

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g'bye, goodluck and thank you for all the help, courage and support you have given me with the reunion and to others as well. your kindness and generousity will be appreciated where ever you go. god bless you, always. devon

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Hi Devon,


I'm checking in one more time this morning before moving offices. Thank you so very much for your kind words below.


Your strength in facing your fears has been inspiring to me. I'll be visiting the forum as schedule allows hoping to hear good things happening for you.


Press on, friend, to find peace with your past and make happiness for your future.


Best hopes and wishes for you,



g'bye, goodluck and thank you for all the help, courage and support you have given me with the reunion and to others as well. your kindness and generousity will be appreciated where ever you go. god bless you, always. devon
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