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Attracted to Female Bodybuilders.

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Hi, I am going to relate to a subject, that I don't see getting too much press, or people talking about as much openly. I am male and consider myself 100% hetro. However, I find muscular bodybuilding type women, who keep their femininity but have a well defined muscular shape, to be totally sexy. I still find myself on the defensive and have to defend my interest in women, if I prefer a woman who has some muscle mass and prowess to her. One example of a fit fbb would be the lady who can be seen at the link below.




Even though this is the supposedly evolved 21st Century, I still find a lot of apprehension to admiring these types of women from alot of the guys. Plus, not too many women are open-minded to this look as well. I was wondering how many people out there were open to liking members of the opposite gender, who didn't fit the stereotypical roles? Can other guys feel secure in liking a strong woman?

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To each his/her own! If that's what you like, good for you! Does it matter what other people say or think? There is a "norm" for what people are attracted to, but there are thousands more people out there that prefer different things. If you think about it, some people prefer animals, kids, babies, etc, so at least your preference isn't breaking the law or an indication of underlying mental issues.


Personally, as a women, I am open minded to the subject but wouldn't prefer to look like that. Only because my image is a reflection of myself. I checked out the link and if you cut her off at the neck, her shoulders and upper body looks like a guy, not to mention her legs too. I wouldn't be able to feel feminine looking like a guy. That's just me though and obviously some women feel differently.


Your guy friends are just a product of society. We are raised with an image of what each sex is "supposed" to look like. Once that is ingrained in their brains, it's unlikely they are going to change and start prefering that look.

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Everybody has their own particular tastes and it's not up to others to put those down. I personally am repulsed by female bodybuilders who show their buldging muscles on TV, making their bodies look massively deformed. However, while I personally am not attracted to the lady in the link you provided I think she looks just fine and I would not chase her out of my yard.


As long as females look fit and healthy with good tone, etc., that's just fine with me. I can see where that could be very attractive to some men. I might be attracted to different women of her body type but it would have to be on an individual basis. However, I would never go for a woman who looked deformed because she went way overboard in the gym.


Don't defend your choice of women with other people. That's totally your business.


P.S. I have always wanted to ask a devout female bodybuilder what her motivation was to have a male-type body, the buldging muscle type.

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I was wondering how many people out there were open to liking members of the opposite gender, who didn't fit the stereotypical roles? Can other guys feel secure in liking a strong woman?


Nope, not my thing.


I consider a strong woman intellectually stimulating and pleasantly assertive, not awoman who can kick my ass. I find the "muscly" look not attractive at all, to me it says 'girl with issues', or something of the sort. Sometimes such women have been raped or abused, and I would hate to find myself as the man to whom she takes out her aggression on males. I'm not claiming these are statistical facts, just impressions that I get of these women.


I suppose because I want my girls to look like girls, I'm a chauvinist pig, but considering the alternative, I'll go ahead with that.

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I work with a guy who has this thing about the female body builder....Judy Miller (I think is her name). He has her pics pasted all over his work locker. There are tons of links on google regarding her pics.


I've heard some pretty crude comments about what her sexual capabilites must be....HAHA! I'm not sure of any of those....but I do think she is a very sexy and attractive woman.....muscles and all!


Unless those muscles are flexed for photo and competition....I think the rest of the time, women who engage in this activity just look very athletic and fit.

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body builders? feh


just about all the female personal trainers at my gym are practically hot.

altho ive only seen about 3-4 of them. cause it's a mix of female and male trainers.

but yea just about all of them have nice bods and physically attractive. not really muscular body, but they definitely look fit.


it's rare to find a bodybuilder female in my gym, most of them just run on the treadmill or does stretches, some look ok.

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Well there is a so-called compromise to liking the bigger fbb types. Some may prefer the well defined, but not too muscular fitness types. I believe their toned but not bulky ways might gain favor in the mainstrea. An example would be the types of women you would see at the Ms. Fitness USA Pagaent





I would take these ladies over scrany Calista Flockhart any day :D

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