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Hi everyone.


There is this guy who i am dating. I had lied to him about my age in the past and he had told me trust is the most essential thing in a relationship. Well guess what, tonight he lied to me, quite a few times. Im very angry right now and I dont know how to handle my anger. He makes me feel very bad about things. What do I do? I feel like I am being used by him and I dont' like it.

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Well, you don't like to give a lot of details, do you?


I don't think it's a mortal sin to lie about your age a few years one way or the other. It is wrong but quite forgivable.


However, depending on what he lied about, you can choose to either forgive him or forget him. After all, you did attempt to deceive him a bit yourself. However, you have to measure the degree of his deception. From the tone of your post, it sounds like he lied about something a lot more serious and important than age.


So if he lied to you enough to make you angry, it was probably serious enough to wipe out all trust you had in him. You say yourself you are being used by him and you don't like it. So why are you hanging around???


Don't look back as you walk out his door. Write him off, delete him from your mind, and empty the recycle bin.

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I am not as angry about what he lied about as I am about the fact that he lied. When I had lied to him, he acted like he was the most honest person in the world and that if you lie in a relationship then you can't be trusted. And I know i was wrong before and I would never do it again. I'm totally honest with him now. I was honest about everything before except my age. So for him to be mad at me and not speak to me for 2 weeks before when it happeend and then for him to turn around and lie to me just doesn't seem quite right. I didn't want to give up on him, but if there is no trust, I guess Iwill. The problem is, when we are together everything is really good and he is such a good freind, but friends shouldn't have to lie to each other. I don't know what to do, this woke me up this morning

Well, you don't like to give a lot of details, do you? I don't think it's a mortal sin to lie about your age a few years one way or the other. It is wrong but quite forgivable. However, depending on what he lied about, you can choose to either forgive him or forget him. After all, you did attempt to deceive him a bit yourself. However, you have to measure the degree of his deception. From the tone of your post, it sounds like he lied about something a lot more serious and important than age. So if he lied to you enough to make you angry, it was probably serious enough to wipe out all trust you had in him. You say yourself you are being used by him and you don't like it. So why are you hanging around??? Don't look back as you walk out his door. Write him off, delete him from your mind, and empty the recycle bin.
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