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Friends or more?

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Here's the thing. I've known a girl for almost 3 years now. We met at school. She was dating someone when I met her but I didn't know she was and I got interested in her and I'd even show this to her in subtle manners. I'd ask her out and she'd always say she was busy or had things to do. I'm guessing it's because she had someone. Anyways, we kept talking but nothing too big, not too close friends either. Just hello, hi, how are you, how's school etc. And we'd rarely have a chance to speak at school. Meaning I'd see her maybe twice a week and it was only for brief encounters that lasted maximum 5 minutes or so.


Anyways, now, she's not with the man she was with before, it's been around 2 months. She admitted she still thinks about him but we've recently been talking a lot more. Long conversations on the phone. So, eventually, some of the conversations took a more sexual turn. I ended up seeing her and we made out, it was nice and all but she did say that she didn't want to be in a relationship nor date. She says she's confused, lost and doesn't want to hurt me.


I have a lot of feelings for her and I'm feeling confused now also, on the sense that, I don't know what I should do. She knows about how I feel to an extent. I never clearly stated that I liked her or loved her but told her how she made me feel.

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Sounds like she hasn't gotten over her bf, and she needs time to really think about what she wants...

Even if she made out with you this can mean nothing really the way you described it, it may mean she is keeping you around till she finds somebody she really loves...

Everyone likes a chase, and you haven't given her anything to chase, so she is uninterested in you, but likes you as a friend, but she is cautious by not trying to hurt you....

Truly the only way to find out is to back off completely, she knows how you feel, if she feels the same she will ask you where you have been or what you have been doing, then thats when you tell her you ve been busy how bout you???

If she's not interested she wont contact you...Now if you just wanted to be friends with her, she would hang out more with you, but since she knows your intentions, she has nicely told you to back off.....

I could be wrong, this is just my opinion, good luck!

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