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my friend says she will break Nc , i say no she`s a strong women


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hi im new here on love shack and please give me your output


I recently going through 2 month breakup with ex wife , and Ex Father inlaw came past to day and told me quick update , i told him" i dont wanna know , whats going on in her life , and what she is doing , and besides she got a new BF and happy and proud of him and he opens doors for her and showers her with perfume " , which i heard and that made me angry because i used to do that to her when i was courting her and now after 12yrs , well we were married for 5 yrs and seperated last year and i tried to reconcile with her , but 2 months ago , she told me that she was going on this blind date , and i though nothing off it , and the the day i was by the friends place his wife still asked me why arent u not going to the theather 2night so i told her , that she told me she was going with friends and meeting a guy , i thought cool , and never thought it would happen .


And to my amazement that night she told me , that she never wanted to see mee agian and she met this wonderful ,amazing guy last night and that she is in love with him ?


Ok i said fine and thats where im at 2months no contact ,back to square 1 ( so much for second chances ) and her Dad rocks up at my place and gives me n up date ( me and the dad very close , helping him out on many occations when the Exs mom kicked the dad out and didnt have place to stay ) anyway told me that she got new car and she introduced him to her new friend. The new BF


I told him i wanted to make it work , but she tihink the grass is greenier on the other side and i told her dad i cant do anything about it , that shes moved on , and so have i , But im Dredding the day when i bump into them . i dont think i would be able to handle it. Her dad still said to me " wait untill she hit her head one day , then she ll realize that , its too late " and by then i will have moved on ...


Anyway her dad still told me that hes not , too happy about this new guy and doesnt support her on this new guy and if she ever marrys him that he would skip town.


My point is its sad how i got replaced so quickly and tried to reconcile with her and , now that she got a new car , new bf to show off she does`nt need me , by the way she was my 1st love marreid 5yrs and went out 7yrs no kids.Count my blessing.


MY One Friend still told me that one day she will be calling me when i leased expect it , i told him thats bull sh*T , she`s a very strong independent woman , she would never call me ever , it will be a blow to her ego no that she found a new bf she`s happy with him why would she ever break the NC contact to guys think its true what my friend said ?


How can some one move on so quickly ? wow im hurt .

IS this a rebound for her ?

she does`nt know the differance between love and infuatuated, guess shes just inn the "honeymoon peroid "

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