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She Said " Wait i need to think over it " .... -- what does that mean guys ?

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Hi there i need some help with this girl i like . she is new to my school and my country . I asked her out abt 4 weeks after she came into my class. She seem to be really fun to talk to but when i asked her out her reply was " Wait i need to think " it has been 2 days and still no reply , what shall i do now ?? :(

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Ask her again, without necessarily referring to the past request. Make it to a specific event, like a "movie on Friday", not just "anytime". If she demurs again, that may be her way of declining. Good luck!

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Hi there guys ,

before i can even ask her out to the movies , her friend (who really likes me ) suggested all of us go together ... but anyways she still havent said anything yet ... does this mean im a gonner for sure ?

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Well, since this girl's only known you for 4 weeks, I'd say she deserves I little time to think. If she doesn't say anything for the next couple days, ask her again in case she's forgotten. Don't do it too often or else she may think you want something more.

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She didnt say anyting .. but i was with her to watch a movie and somehow we got into an argument... and we both ended up going home seperately.... yesterday (monday) i tried to talk and walk back wif her but she ignored me , and so i txtd her saying im sorry but she says its ok but shes dissapointed and now i feel weird everytime im near her... we dont talk much....i feel bad

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