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He didn't pay


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If I went on a date and the guy was hunched over calculating the bill down to the last penny, I would grab it up and insist on paying it myself. I would feel embarrassed otherwise. I would not date this person. I hate it when people are cheap, regardless of the situation. It makes me feel SO uncomfortable and I will just pay the whole thing to get out of the situation. This applies to dates, and excursions with friends.


In my family, I feel that this behavior from men to women comes down to respect. When my sister and mother and I go out to dinner with the family, my brothers and father always hold doors and pull out chairs. It's just how they show respect to important women in their lives. It makes me feel proud to see them do those things.

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I know. I was just making light of that fact that now that you've thrown down the gauntlet (to the "he should ALWAYS pay" crowd), they'd be comin' at me (one of the women who DARED agree with the "he shouldn't always have to pay" crowd). :p


This has always been a highly charged topic. I guess there are some guys who need the feeling that they are "taking care" of a woman, and there are women who need that feeling of being "taken care of" by a man. I just don't think pulling out a billfold constitutes someone taking care of me, particularly in this day and age of most women having their own jobs rather than being homemakers like in the old days.


The way you word it with "being taken care of" makes it sound like codependancy or being dependant on the approval of others.


Frankly, it is exactly that and probably the main reason I think its ick.

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