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Is this jealousy or something else?

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My boyfriend called at a 11:45pm last night (when he got off work) and said he was going to meet some friends to hang out. Well, I know he should have friends, and I know he should hang with other guys to just do guy stuff. But he didn't ask if I was alright with it if he went, he always throws a fit i do it that way and don't ask if he is ok with it if I do something.


But the thing is, it pissed me off that he went out, and didn't go home after work, what is wrong with me, this jealousy thing is new to me and I don't really like it. But I was in tears when I got off the phone with him, b/c it just felt wrong that he was going out.


Something else that is bothering me is that he "scheduled" something on a saturday (his only day off, and for the past year, this has been our day, the one day we get to spend any time together) ANYWAY, he made plans with someone on "our day" and I would have been ok with it if he had asked if I minded. I'm not saying he has to have my permission to do things, its just...I don't know... what on earth is wrong with me?

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I think that you are feeling upset that he is not putting you first. Are you worried about what he's doing when he's out or is it just that he is choosing to go out rather than spend the time with you?


You don't say whether you've talked this through with him. Don't attack him and don't give the impression you resent him having friendships. Just let him know that you enjoy spending time with him and that you feel disappointed when it doesn't happen.


If it is really the case that he would get mad if you didn't OK it with him, point this out to him. It's a little unfair of him to expect this of you if he doesn't do it himself.


I'm assuming that otherwise things are OK with you and your relationship. Is there any reason you might feel more insecure at the moment? Is he acting oddly in any other way?


I'm also assuming that you have friends that you see regularly. I know I couldn't do without my regular girlie nights!


Good luck :)

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You need to ask yourself what made you feel that way. Did you notice any change from his side that caused you to feel insecure. It is a matter of confidence in yourself and trust in him. Take your time and honestly check it out.

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Everything is alright with us otherwise, it's not that he doesn't spend enough time with me, it's just that I didn't know who all would be around.


I mean I trust him, it's just other people that I don't trust. I don't know why I'm feeling so insecure, he hasn't done anything to make me feel like this. He isn't acting any differently, I just don't know what he is feeling. He doesn't tell me what he is feeling like he used to.


Maybe I'm just being selfish, I don't want to be selfish, I just want him to be happy.


Maybe I'm just blowing this all out of proportion?

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