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from uninhibited to inhibited


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my b'f of two years and i started out having sex on a regular basis, every night. well he was a heavy drinker and sex was great. however, i got tired of his drinking, (i don't drink at all), and started complaining about it. i told him no more drinking when you come over. well we got through the rough spots of his drinking and it almost came to a stop except on weekends. however, since then, the sex has stopped as well. well most of it anyway. at first he was not inhibited while drinking or drunk, but now we have sex maybe once every two weeks and because he is so inhibited now it has made me that way too. when we do have sex, it is satisfying cause he knows what position gets me off the fastest so at least he does that so i can get satisfied too. the problem is that at times i think we both want a little more excitement in our sex life but now we have become so adjusted to our routine that it is hard for either of us to change. i think he wants a little more excitement then i can give him now cause i have also become inhibited as well as him being that way too, has made it very hard to change our routine. any suggestions?

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