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I didn't consider this a sign, but its happened 3x now - Is it?


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3 weeks straight, something similar has happened. I never thought of it as a sign, but after happening 3 times, and some input from a friend, I think I've changed my mind, but I would like to hear your say on this.


First week - Valentine's Day - my crush sings/plays in a band, and I went out to see her. She danced with me a few songs when she wasn't playing an instrument and during one song she acted like she was gonna dance with me on the floor but she pulled me up on stage to dance with me instead. At the end of the night, whe she's leaving, I tell her goodbye and happy valentines day - she asks if I got me any women that night, I tell her 'not really' and she says that there were some asking about me...she didnt mention who.


Second Week - 21st - Prior to their show, she comes over and asked if I was gonna hook up with anyone that night, tells my sister about the girls asking about me again - still doesn't mention who, but I tell her it depends on who it is.


Third week - yesterday - The band didnt play but went to see another band. I knew there was a chance she'd be there - but I didnt expect to see her. I went and hung out with her a while once I saw her and some friends, she asks me again if I got hooked up with anyone, said she saw me looking the floor over - I told her I was keeping my eyes open.


The thing I'm concentrating on, is her asking if I hooked up earlier or if I was gonna hook up with anyone. A friend tells me that she wants me, and that basically she's wanting me to say 'no, i was waiting to hook up with you' or something similar - I got a feeling this friend is right - but I'm looking for your opinions - When a girl asks about whether a guy has hooked up or if he's gonna hook up with anyone - is that a sure-fire sign that she likes that guy back or is it only a possibility?


My friend sounds pretty convinced that this girl really likes me. Does she?

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she asks if I got me any women that night

Yes, she is fishing for an invitation to "hook up" with you. And who says true romance is dead...

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When I add all my 'signs' together - I get a very strong idea she likes me, I've just been rather hesitant to ask her out. There's always a chance of rejection, and it seems I fear that. I must find a way though - to get over it. These boards have helped me some, and someday I hope to go out with her.


This is just one of the latest possible signs - and my one friend was really enthusiastic when she said that this girl must really like me. I just thought I'd see what LSers thought, not that I dont believe my friend, but I just wanted a few more opinions. Thanks to those who wrote so far.

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lol - I guess I really dont need your help - just like seeing if other people think like I or a friend of mine does.

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Hey, if she's asking about whether or not you're available, that means she's interested. Go for it.

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Ok - but she asks if I have gotten hooked up with anyone yet - not if I am available. Sure, I suppose its close to the same thing - asking if I'm taken rather than asking if I'm available. But yeah, I agree with you all and with my friend.


Wrote her an email late Friday night saying it was a good surprise to see her at the concert. I knew there was a good chance she'd show - but I was expecting her not to come just so I wouldn't get my hopes dashed if she didnt. She wrote back today saying "It was good to see you too!!" among other things. So its looking more and more like it is what I want it to be.


Her band plays Friday - so I should see her then, and maybe I'll have gotten the nerve to ask her out by then.

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give up? whats that mean? lol. No, I wont give up - thats for sure. I'm gonna find a way to ask her out, whether I make a fool of my self or not. I wont be able to go on knowing I had a chance and didnt act. I have a very good chance right now - and I'm going to do something about it before I miss it.

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Romeo, how on earth can you "make a fool of yourself" by asking someone to go have a burger and a beer with you? She'll either say yes or no - how can you be a fool?


The only way this chick could be clearer about her interest in you is if she walked into the bar carrying a 3 foot sign saying, "Make your move Romeo!"

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What I mean is I'll find a way to ask - no matter what it takes. If I have to go out on a limb for her - I'll do it. If I have to make myself feel awkward - I'll do it. If I have to make other people look at me weird - I'll do it. I'll do it somehow.

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Well - not gonna happen this week - thats for sure. I saw her lastnight (Friday) but things went a bit haywire. I had planned on getting to the place where her band was playing plenty early so I could have a chance to talk before the show, but I missed a road and got lost finding my way back to it. I eventually got there but right as they were finishing their first set, a whole 2 hours later than when I wanted to get there - ouch. I couldn't stay after to talk, and its hard to find time to talk between each set too.


I still had fun, but I dont know how I'm ever gonna ask her out if things keep screwing up like they are. Seems everytime I try and plan something, those plans always fall apart. Seems like someone's trying to tell me not to plan stuff - but I dont know how I'm gonna do it without planning something!!


Any ideas on how I can go about fooling fate so I get a chance to ask her out? Somehow to plan without planning? Everytime I have a plan something big goes wrong and ruins everything (like getting lost and screwing up all chances I have to talk to her).

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