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She's dating him, hes moving away soon, she doesnt like him anymore, what to do?

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OK I met this awesome girl at a party. She had a few drinks, she gave me her number, then she got pretty affectionate: kissing my neck, running her fingers through my hair, etc. Well I had to leave the party kinda early (like 1 am, lol) because I had a date the next afternoon. Well my friend who is friends with her best friend ask her for some recon info. Well it turns out shes seeing one of my schools exchange students. So I was like WTF? But I still tried to call her but she wasnt home, and then I lost her number. Well Friday another friend stops me and says:


Friend: You should ask ***** on a date.

Me: But she has a boyfriend!

Friend: Oh she doesnt really like him.

Me: I dont even have her number anymore.

Friend: Oh its.....blah blah


Well I've seen her around town a few times and I went to the store she worked at today and ran into her and she seemed pretty happy to see me. So what should I do? I want to go out with this girl, but shes seeing this dude, and hes moving back home in like 2 months! She mentioned that we should go to the movies together at that party, should I just call her up and ask if she wants to go? Should I try to make it as friend-like as possible, or should I lay on my charms?

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Just play it safe and ask what's up with the guy. Say you don't want to be the other person, and if she's with him, you can go out as friends, but nothing more.


Why the hell would she be with someone she doesn't like, though? That's very odd.

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we'll my guess is that shes lost interest in him and is just playing through the motions. Me and this guy are kinda similar, except I think im slightly better looking, and lot more exciting, hes kinda boring.

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Wait till he leaves town....and make your move.


PS: ALWAYS give it your best shot and all the charms available. Never give a half a$$ed flirt. HAHA!

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