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Just Another Booty Call??

Ann Bradford

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Ann Bradford

Hey all..


I don't really have a problem..just looking for some feedback on something that has been going on in my chaotic life! There are SO many details to this situation that it would be impossible to type them all . But I'll give you the "Cliff Notes"Version. =)..OK..I went out with this guy for about 2years..we broke up freshman year in college because things were just getting too hard. He started seeing someone immediately after the breakup, which hurt me very bad. Anyways..needless to say, i got over it. Now, we have all the same friends from home. Its kinda like this big Save By The Bell/90210 gang . Ok, well, he and i stopped talking for over a year. I wanted nothing to do with him because he hurt me so bad. Well..he and his ex broke up about a year ago. Now, this summer..we have all been hanging out again. At the beginning, he and I would always flirt and stuff...but nothing happened. Now, to make along story short..we have hooked up 3 times this summer. He has been calling me every night, too. He calls me before he goes to bed, if hes bored, and especially when hes drunk. We have never once discussed what this all means...we just like, hook up, and have fun and laugh. he has never brought anything up like getting back together or whatever. I mean, im not even sure if i would want to. I know I am young...I just want to have fun...although I am totally not the kind of girl that hooks up with anything that walks. Not that I have to marry every person I make out with...but I dont know. What I guess I want to know is if he has even the slightest inkling of feeling left for me? CAn you go out with someone for 2 years...be totally in love with them..and all that good stuff...break up...stop talking..and then still feel something for that person? I mean..Im not stupid, I know most guys are horney and just wanna hit skins with no strings attached, however, I have a feeling that there is more behind all of this. Whenever we are all out at a bar, I know he is watching out for me and keeing his eye on me. It also, however, seems like he has to talk to all these girls in order to make it clear to me that he is some sorta pimp daddy. I dont know. I am almost certain that he doesnt want a relationship with anyone right now. im not saying that i want one either, but i want to know if he feels anything when he kisses me. or is this just a total booty call and nohting more. should ask him about "us" or should i just be young and have fun...I mdont want to scare him off...ugh. if anyone has any advice or has been in a similar situation..could you please respond. thanks a bunch!!! =)

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He doesn't seem to be the type I would recommend as boyfriend material.He fell in love right after you broke up so he can switch gears pretty fast. He flirts with you is no big deal,since both you are in the same social circle and he can do that with little effort on his part. It seems to me ,he might think of you as easy pickings.You're a girl he's already dated and dumped,and are low maintenance.


He broke up with you once,and had no problems replacing you.If he wants to be considered serious ,he should put more at stake by going out with you. He has to indicate some way that he'll treat you better this time.


Being young and free is great,but why keep getting hurt for nothing? If you don't go out with this guy,you can easily find someone else,so why limit yourself to someone who already hurt you?

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sasy lawyer

I know that it must be confusing for you to be hang around and actually hook up w/ someone you once loved, but you must give yourself more importance. I understand that you are young and want to have your fun, but there are so may other guys that you can have fun with. It seems as though you do have some feelings for him or else you wouldn't be wondering or even caring about how he felt towards you. Reagrdless of what you want from him, play hard to get. Do not let him have his cake and eat it too. Just be friendly towards him but let him see that you are not easy and that you are way past him. By continuing how you are, you will end up getting hurt again and leave him with a swelled head. Focus on yourself, your happiness, your self-respect and all will come into perspective for you in time. Let him win you back if you think in fact that he is worthy of you.

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