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HOW do i tell her i don't like her without losing a good freind ship

i wanna keep my friend

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If you don't like somebody, why would you want to have them for a friend??? Are you a male or a female??? Assuming you are male and you may have meant she appears to have feelings for you, has she announced that to you? How much time do you spend with her? How long have you known her? Does she work with you? Is she in a circle of friends that you see often? Does she live near you or will you otherwise be forced to see her often?


Without the answers to at least some of the above, you present insufficient information for an educated post of advice.


If you really don't like her, whether you are male or female, just go dark and stay away from her. You don't need a friendhsip with someone you don't like.

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Tell her simply that you don't feel the same way she does. Don't make excuses or lie. Just tell her you can help feeling the way you do about her,anymore than she can help feeling the way she does about you. Also tell her it's ok if she doesn't want to be close friends for a while(remember it hurts to be rejected! She might find it hard to be around you) but that you still want to be friends with her very much,if she stills wants you as a friend.


Offer her your friendship but also tell her you'll respect her decision if she wants a bit of space.

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