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I would like to add that we did nothing wrong at the bar, and we kept it PG while we were around there. :)

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Thank you for your thoughts! :) Yeah, I'm looking forward to moving into my own place when I can manage it. First I have to gather some funds by getting a job and working-- my parents won't pay for it-- then I find an affordable place and a roommate or two if needed, and finally, I make plans to move in! Doing that, I would need to make sure that I had everything that I needed! I look forward to when I can do this!


No thanks needed. I post here to help.


GC, when I left home, I had nothing but the clothes on my back. I went on welfare until I found work. However, I was in an abusive situation when I was your age. My parents thought they could still hit me at 21, not to mention the daily insults from my mother.


I slowly built a little life for myself. I had to start with rented rooms, because I had no furniture. It just depends how bad you want your own life. I wept with joy the very first night, in my very first little dump. It was a ****hole, but at least it was MINE and I was finally free after more than 15 years of abuse. :)

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Wow, your parents sound crazier than mine.


I have to live in a different state than mine to avoid their stalking. As a kid, it used to give me panic attacks.


I suggest you move out.

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