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Miss sex and affection

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We're very physical with each other, I miss all the cuddling and intimacy. We find other ways to deal with it of course as most of us do, (not that you can find alternatives for cuddling) and we talk it about it so much that sometimes I think we shouldn't cos it is just frustrating and the ways of 'dealing' with the feelings and frustration just aren't enough :(

I'm lucky though as we do meet every 6-8 weeks, I really don't know how some of you manage for longer, I take my hat off to you!!!

It is difficult being a very affectionate, physical person sometimes!

I see him in 2 weeks though :)

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I feel you on the physical aspect. When my boyfriend and I are together we can barely keep our hands off one another, whether it be a simple hug, holding hands, or a passionate kiss followed by even more passionate sex. :love: Being far apart it gets hard because I get none of that. :( And for my boyfriend and I, our latest stretch was 4 months, so it's been awhile, lol. But like I told him, I've never met someone whose hand seems to fit mine so perfectly, whose lips are like the softest pillows for mine to fall into. And those thoughts, plus the fact that I know this is all temporary in the grand scheme of things, makes it a bit easier to go without him for as long as I have to. But that's because I know there's no one else in the world like him, and even if there were someone remotely close, I doubt they would be anywhere near as perfect for me as he is.

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Oooh me too! Big time! :(


We're both very physical too, and very sexual, and it is sooo difficult.


To be honest, despite my high sex drive, the lack of sex is actually a lot less of an issue for me than the lack of hugs and non-sexual touching.


I need my hugs!

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Me and my SO are also very physical,

When we're together it's like cuddle/sex roller coaster.


But when we're apart my sex drive remains high and his lowers a LOT.

Sometimes its frustrating for me. (No, hes not cheating on me while hes away)


He kinda just turns it off while hes away I guess I should be thankful and when we do get sexual its real nice just not as often as id like, well it is often im just a total sex hound..maybe, he seems to think so.


Lol sorry if that was too much info.

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