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stood up! nice guy gone bad?

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hey all...


i have been seeing a guy for about a week though we have gotten to know each other over the past 6 weeks since we (taboo here) work at the same business.


he is a really nice and very attractive person and we have a lot of fun together. problem is, i go to school 6 hours away and am leaving in 3 weeks. he attends school in our hometown. we pretty much decided that whatever is going to happen will happen between us and that we weren't going to get too serious since we only have a short time to spend together.


we've been out on a few real dates and spend about 25 hours a week together via work. everything sounds pretty tight, right? well here now is the deal breaker...he asked me to go out with him this afternoon and i was stood up. no phone call, no explanation. being the anal and stubborn person i am, i decided that is was his loss and he could do the explaining; no way will i call or page him.


i'm pretty sure i will get some lame excuse when i see him tomorrow at work for why he bailed on me. prob is, part of me wants to bitch him out and end the whole thing, i do not want to be treated like ##### even if our relationship is very relaxed and low key. the other part, still wants to have a blast with him and continue to see him.


am i just totally caught up in the tryst and not seeing the light? any input is appreciated!

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Unless he was killed in an accident, hospitalized, too sick to call you, tied and handcuffed by a robber, or had his tongue cut off so he couldn't have someone else call you, there is just no way you should put up with this behavior.


It is disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude and lacks any regard for your time and your feelings. You cannot have someone like that in your life, I don't care how much fun they are.


It seems many young people these days operate like this. They just figure if they don't show up, you knew they weren't coming. That's a line I hear often. But this is behaviour you don't need to tolerate and you shouldn't give him a second chance...unless there were extenuating circumstances as outlined in above paragraph one.


If you do not insist on being treated with the dignity and respect that humans should accord each other, your self esteem will be crushed and you will let people walk all over you. Give this guy the boot and word will quickly get around that you have enough self respect and love for yourself that you won't put up with this kind of crap...and others will treat you with even greater respect.


I hope you will get this in your head RIGHT NOW!!! Many human beings will try to pull all kinds of stuff on other people and if they take it the behavior just continues.


I am a hell of a lot more fun than this guy could every hope to be so when you write him off and you want to have fun, just give me a call!!! There are lots of guys out there you could have a blast with...that would also show you the consideration and respect you and any other person deserves.


THIS GUY IS A BUM OF THE WORST KIND. If he really wanted to be with you, he would have called from the mortuary and asked you to be there while he was embalmed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has happened to me (See Crazy over guy with problems) and it caused me to have disrespect for the guy. To this day I look upon him as a pitiful creature who is so out of control in his life, he can't even remember the dates he's made. I decided that I would keep seeing him anyway, possibly with an eye towards revenge in the future. But the problem is, I fell in love with the pathetic dude! Now I don't want to hurt him. He wants to be serious and have future plans, but I don't see that happening, because I will never trust that he has it together. I will despise him on some level and get involved with other men to make up for what he lacks. I want to keep him for the good qualities he does have and discard the rest.


But I did confront him on not showing up and he was full of horrible apologies that made him look more like a loser than ever. I felt no woman would put up with his crap, and thus I was ensured that he would be mine.

Unless he was killed in an accident, hospitalized, too sick to call you, tied and handcuffed by a robber, or had his tongue cut off so he couldn't have someone else call you, there is just no way you should put up with this behavior. It is disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude and lacks any regard for your time and your feelings. You cannot have someone like that in your life, I don't care how much fun they are. It seems many young people these days operate like this. They just figure if they don't show up, you knew they weren't coming. That's a line I hear often. But this is behaviour you don't need to tolerate and you shouldn't give him a second chance...unless there were extenuating circumstances as outlined in above paragraph one.


If you do not insist on being treated with the dignity and respect that humans should accord each other, your self esteem will be crushed and you will let people walk all over you. Give this guy the boot and word will quickly get around that you have enough self respect and love for yourself that you won't put up with this kind of crap...and others will treat you with even greater respect. I hope you will get this in your head RIGHT NOW!!! Many human beings will try to pull all kinds of stuff on other people and if they take it the behavior just continues. I am a hell of a lot more fun than this guy could every hope to be so when you write him off and you want to have fun, just give me a call!!! There are lots of guys out there you could have a blast with...that would also show you the consideration and respect you and any other person deserves.


THIS GUY IS A BUM OF THE WORST KIND. If he really wanted to be with you, he would have called from the mortuary and asked you to be there while he was embalmed.

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