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More than a vacay fling? Just met him, hit it off, he's only here for 3 more days.

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I met P last Saturday through a mutual friend and we hit it off instantly. Sadly, we live on different coasts. He's been here for a week and he's here for 3 more days.. just visiting friends and taking time off BUT he's out here all the time.


He took me on a date Monday and was supposed to meet a good friend after our date but he ended up spending the night (he's a gentleman and didn't try anything) with me instead. The next day he invited me to both lunch (i passed) and a night out with friends (i had a blast). He's out of town for a few days and gets back Saturday and wants to hang out again.


To all those that have met someone while they were on a short trip and had it turn into a LDR - what sort of conversations did you have before that person left to go home, and how did you keep the relationship going after he/she left?


What are the signs that show he is interested in me more than just a vacation fling?

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Honestly I think you’ll be able to tell best after he leaves how things will go. There’s nothing like being apart to really test how committed someone is to a relationship. If you don’t have “the discussion” before he leaves, you’ll be able to tell when he’s back home truly how interested he is in maintaining the LDR if the contact and interest in planning another visit is there.

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I met someone on a week long cruise & we were like a couple by the end. We talked about seeing each other before the end of the trip. But the situation was very different in that he lived only 3 hours away. We saw each other every other weekend for a year. It was a wonderful romance- my very first relationship which turned into my 1st love.


A lovely memory from many moons ago.

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