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Girls who are size ZERO and smaller look GREAT


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I convinced myself that the guy I dated few months ago who dumped me, really did it because he found me too fat :eek:


Now he is dating a girl he is crazy about and she is a lot heavier than me. I actually didn't even suspect that they were dating when she commented on his FB and such, because I felt like he couldn't possibly like someone that heavy.


So it seems that some guys prefer non-thin girls (lucky for me). I also look unhealthy at lower weights and my face looks too long/gaunt. I am just made to be curvy (unfortunately) and when I eat healthily I am about 5'9" and between 140-150lbs...


I do find thin girls hot though.

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I'm guessing you're from the UK Anela. I was just thinking that even a 6 would be too small for you. It varies from shop to shop of course, but from the little bit of research I've carried out when I've visited the US, I would say that US size 0 is somewhere between a UK 4 and a 6....though of course it depends on the store.


I spent most of my childhood in England, but I've been back in the States for the past twenty years. :) I do remember there being a difference between the sizes, but I was in Ohio at the time.


My weight keeps going up and down between 130lbs and 136lbs (it was more like 145-150lbs for the size 12 jeans/trousers).

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I'd have to agree with you. It's hurtful when people tell me to gain weight. I have been trying for so long to gain some weight because i'd hear it from people at work alllll the time that I need to 'eat more' or 'put some meat on my bones'. I'm physically unable to gain any more weight, and it hurts hearing that i'm 'too skinny' and it's 'unattractive'.


I think most people look at skinny girls and think that they are trying to be that way. I can bet that most aren't. And it does become hurtful when there isn't anything you can do about it.


I am so with you there, particularly with the "unattractive" deal. I've had to deal with boyfriends making "innocent" comments about my weight and whatnot. My current bf has said that I look really great since I filled out a little--I gained about 20 pounds since we first met in June. And that little voice inside of me couldn't help thinking, "What, so you thought I was unattractive before?!" :mad:

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Wow, thanks Green for starting this topic. I could write a thesis paper on is, the correlation between thinnes, attractiveness, and all the diologue that goes along with it. It is the story of my life.


I have been anorexic. I think small framed women look best; ones that have smaller bones, and have the potential to look smaller without resorting to starvation.


The truth is, that naturally thin women have the most attractive bodies, PROVIDING their bodies are shaped in the way that Green prefers - an hour glass shape, with wide hips and a narrow waste.


I also liked hearing how people mentioned that larger boned women who starve to remain unaturally slim, is a bad look; if u dont naturally have a nice thin body type, u have to just deal with the fact you are not born with a body that is as physically appealing as a thin women. Deal with it by getting the thinnest version of YOUR body type. It is not as attractive as a smaller framed women, but it is still better than giving up. The best version of your OWN body is you ronly hope.


The best version of MY body is 111 - 114 lbs. healthy looking but slim on me. I am only 5 ' 5 - 5'6 but with boobs and a butt, so I have shape, am SLIGHTLY slimmer than averager, but I WILL NEVER be a tiny framed women that has SUPER lean limbs.


Women are often jealous. When I was 110 lbs and 5 ' 5, with an hour glass curvy shape, girls would look me up and down. i was a US size 0 then, around about.


I really do just believe that when it comes to physical attractivness, that naturally petite women have the upper hand. Of course, straight teeth, and a pretty face contribute to over all attractivness too.


I am 116 ish lbs, 5 ' 6 ish, but have 32 D ( or DD ) breasts, flat somach, but a bubble butt. Is that considered slim?


And to the ANOREXIC poster - um, you sounded a little out of it to me, the way you snapped at star gazer - the fact you were horrified at the idea that STAR thought you were normal looking in the pic........


My preference on women is 5 ' 7or shorter ( dont like tall as much), and 115 or lower. With a narrow waist and wide hips! I love the femine shape of wide hips and a narrow waist.


I think normal sized women have trouble dealing with the fact the... the truth is CRUEL; women with smaller bones havemore delicate looking, and more physically attractive bodies to men. And to most women.


Because the truth is hard to handle, some larger women would rather pretent that the thin women are " like boys" and that they " need to eat more" .

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Yes, there's 00 and smaller. In other words, if you used to be a 0 - 2 a few years ago, you're now a 00 or smaller. Stupid.

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Too small when you were 89 pounds, that is. It must have been really difficult for you to find clothes that would fit you back then.


CE - I agree. The conversion tables on the Internet seem to be pretty meaningless really.


I've never heard of vanity sizing before. Where have I been???


Taramere, I just remember being surprised that such a small pair of jeans would fit me. My mother had demanded to know if I was anorexic (I wasn't - intentionally), I'd dropped some weight due to exercise and drinking vegetable juices, but hadn't realized, since I wasn't that big to begin with (anywhere from 98lbs - 106lbs during those years). I slipped them on, on Christmas morning, and they slipped on much too easily; that led me to go and weigh myself, and I saw 89lbs on the scale. I freaked, and started eating the doughnuts my parents were trying to force on me. ;)

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It makes me wonder if the change in size numbers has to do with the growing obesity rate.

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I'm not sure how good an idea it is to comment, but all I'll say is that the camera angle in your avatar is evidently misleading. Anyone looking at your right arm (furthest away from the camera) would see that- as it does indeed look extremely slim. I also looked at the facebook pic before you took it down...and it was hard to tell as you were at a distance. I thought you looked very model-like in it, but bearing in mind that models tend to be too slim (in a way that shows up in real life, but can look good in photos) I certainly wouldn't find it difficult to believe that you were slim to a degree that isn't medically healthy.


I hope you can move on to more healthy eating habits. I used to fast a lot when I was in my teens, and it never did me any good. What I found, once I got into my mid twenties and onwards, was that the less of an issue food was the easier it was to stay in shape. I think often that comes with moving into the workplace, having other things that take up so much of your thought and time that your own eating habits become less of a priority etc.


I know I should want to look healthy; God, I am so silly sometimes. It's just such a compulsion now. It's so hard to stop. But, I'm really trying. Thank you for being so kind.

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Wow, thanks Green for starting this topic. I could write a thesis paper on is, the correlation between thinnes, attractiveness, and all the diologue that goes along with it. It is the story of my life.


I have been anorexic. I think small framed women look best; ones that have smaller bones, and have the potential to look smaller without resorting to starvation.


The truth is, that naturally thin women have the most attractive bodies, PROVIDING their bodies are shaped in the way that Green prefers - an hour glass shape, with wide hips and a narrow waste.


I also liked hearing how people mentioned that larger boned women who starve to remain unaturally slim, is a bad look; if u dont naturally have a nice thin body type, u have to just deal with the fact you are not born with a body that is as physically appealing as a thin women. Deal with it by getting the thinnest version of YOUR body type. It is not as attractive as a smaller framed women, but it is still better than giving up. The best version of your OWN body is you ronly hope.


The best version of MY body is 111 - 114 lbs. healthy looking but slim on me. I am only 5 ' 5 - 5'6 but with boobs and a butt, so I have shape, am SLIGHTLY slimmer than averager, but I WILL NEVER be a tiny framed women that has SUPER lean limbs.


Women are often jealous. When I was 110 lbs and 5 ' 5, with an hour glass curvy shape, girls would look me up and down. i was a US size 0 then, around about.


I really do just believe that when it comes to physical attractivness, that naturally petite women have the upper hand. Of course, straight teeth, and a pretty face contribute to over all attractivness too.


I am 116 ish lbs, 5 ' 6 ish, but have 32 D ( or DD ) breasts, flat somach, but a bubble butt. Is that considered slim?


And to the ANOREXIC poster - um, you sounded a little out of it to me, the way you snapped at star gazer - the fact you were horrified at the idea that STAR thought you were normal looking in the pic........


My preference on women is 5 ' 7or shorter ( dont like tall as much), and 115 or lower. With a narrow waist and wide hips! I love the femine shape of wide hips and a narrow waist.


I think normal sized women have trouble dealing with the fact the... the truth is CRUEL; women with smaller bones havemore delicate looking, and more physically attractive bodies to men. And to most women.


Because the truth is hard to handle, some larger women would rather pretent that the thin women are " like boys" and that they " need to eat more" .


What are you trying to say? I already apologized and said it was because I was stressed about a meal plan.

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It makes me wonder if the change in size numbers has to do with the growing obesity rate.


I'm sure it has something to do with the prevalence of obesity. Even bigger sizes have been made to accommodate bulging waistlines, so the measurements are being adjusted all the way down the line. At least that's what I think.

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And larger women are not totally justified to pick on thin girls. Because I suffer terribly from the desire to want to look thinner.



But even I do not get jealous, or pick on thin women. Ever. They have bodies that are thinner than mine. Perhaps they have smaller bones.


But I do not get jealous or feel badly towards women who are thinner than me. In fact, I would happily be friends with a very skinny women.


Just because I love thin bodies, I simply just do not feel any desire to be nasty towards thinner women. And I have had ANOREXIA, and I LOVE THIN WOMEN.... yet I will not feel jealously towards them. Because I know it is pointless, mostly. SO I just admire them, and remind myself that hey, my body is not bad at least, and one thing even the hottest women dos not have that I DO have, is that I am ME. At least no one else can be me hah.


Some larger women, or normal sized women, act nasty as a defence mechanism; they cannot deal with the fact that thinner women have smaller, delicate bodies that look the most attractive. So they try to deny it by thinking that " guys do not like thin women".



I can understand women trying to deny the fact that thinness is attractive, by insulting thin women. I have done it in the past. But I find it odd how women like me, who have suffered terribly with eating disorders, can manage to be nice to thin women, while some women just keep being bitter.

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What are you trying to say? I already apologized and said it was because I was stressed about a meal plan.



I was observing, that people with anorexia do not WANT to look healthy, because their thinnes is what defines them, to a large extent. You do not WANT people to say that you look normal and healthy.


Heck, when I was 105 lbs and 5 ' 6, when a guy told me that " you rathletic, not thin" I almost threw himn off the brigde we were walking over. This particilar guy called skinny anorexia, and thin was just slim and healthy. I got offended that he did not consider me thin in his eyes.


I am not saying anything bad about you:) I think it is great you are getting help. I just wanted to to be aware of the behaviour you demonstrated - that you sounded irritable and snappy easily. But it is part of your disorder, it i snot your fault, and Iam not critizising.


And btw, I love thin models, but I have managed to reach a healthy weight for my body, and it is not all that bad! So good with your therapy. I overcame the anorexia and I hope you do too. ANd I am the type who L:OVES thinness. And even I have managed to recover to a healthy weight.

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Jessica Alba is 5'7" at 127 lbs. I'd be shocked if anyone considered her fat or heavy.




Edit - another photo of Jessica.





That is bull s. I obsess over womens bodies. I was anorexic. And trust me, Jessica Alba would be no more than 114. TOPS. At 5 '7.


The camera adds LOADS of weight, and for her to look that slim on camera, she would NOT be 127 OMG LOL.

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I was observing, that people with anorexia do not WANT to look healthy, because their thinnes is what defines them, to a large extent. You do not WANT people to say that you look normal and healthy.


Heck, when I was 105 lbs and 5 ' 6, when a guy told me that " you rathletic, not thin" I almost threw himn off the brigde we were walking over. This particilar guy called skinny anorexia, and thin was just slim and healthy. I got offended that he did not consider me thin in his eyes.


I am not saying anything bad about you:) I think it is great you are getting help. I just wanted to to be aware of the behaviour you demonstrated - that you sounded irritable and snappy easily. But it is part of your disorder, it i snot your fault, and Iam not critizising.


And btw, I love thin models, but I have managed to reach a healthy weight for my body, and it is not all that bad! So good with your therapy. I overcame the anorexia and I hope you do too. ANd I am the type who L:OVES thinness. And even I have managed to recover to a healthy weight.


oh, okay. :)

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That is bull s. I obsess over womens bodies. I was anorexic. And trust me, Jessica Alba would be no more than 114. TOPS. At 5 '7.


The camera adds LOADS of weight, and for her to look that slim on camera, she would NOT be 127 OMG LOL.

This is her advertised weight and height. Not everyone is you.
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I know I should want to look healthy; God, I am so silly sometimes. It's just such a compulsion now. It's so hard to stop. But, I'm really trying. Thank you for being so kind.


People don't always select the rational path. Sometimes the most rational people of all, on paper, display the most irrational behaviours.


Someone mentioned that they could do a thesis on this subject. Years ago, on my first degree, I did my dissertation on eating disorders. It was so long ago that I can't remember a tenth of what I wrote. I do recall, though, being struck - from interviewing people with eating disorders (some of them men), speaking to professionals who kindly gave me their time, and reading the various literature on it - that it's a form of addiction to controlling the food intake and exercising obsessively. Or as you say, a compulsion. Something people often resort to as a sort of comforting thing when they're under stress, feeling out of control of their environment (or their lives). Something that gives them a sense of having control over their own bodies, when they don't feel in control generally.


Further from that, women in particular often struggle to feel that they own their bodies I think. We get bombarded with messages about the rights many in society feel that other people have to them. So (along the lines of another recent thread) if you let yourself be alone with a man who is attracted to you, he might have a sense of entitlement to your body. Some people believe that when a woman wears sexy clothing that shows off her curves, she's giving up her rights of ownership over her body ("asking to be raped"). The abortion debate is another one that focuses around how much rights women have as regards what happens to their bodies.


If a woman starves herself to look like the most waiflike models on a Paris runway, is she controlling her own body - or is she permitting herself (body and soul) to be controlled by the fashion industry? If a woman is at the low end of her healthy weight, but is nonetheless healthy - how much business is that of other people who care about her? Some may, as implied by many here, be envious of her slenderness. Others might have a taste for bodies that are more midway or at the higher end of the healthy spectrum (a spectrum which does, after all, give people a fair bit of room for leeway).


Other people still might feel "well she looks pretty good at that weight, but I'd be concerned if she gets much slimmer." That might be particularly the case if they're aware that the woman is under stress or depressed which might, combined with her preoccupation with getting slimmer (if she has lost weight recently) trigger an eating disorder like the one you have suffered from.


I was referred for counselling by my doctor some time ago, and I was shocked when I received a letter asking me to attend an eating disorders clinic. I was fairly thin at the time, because I'd had a lot of work-related stress - but far from being an issue for me, food had become something I just wasn't interested in. So I'd forget to eat a lot of the time. Back in my teens, I used to think the notion of people ever forgetting to eat was a lot of nonsense...but you get older, other responsibilities set in and it can actually happen.


One other thing. My niece whose age isn't yet in double figures eats ravenously. She's thin as a pin, but she's growing and so she probably needs every ounce of that food she's eating. Girls get to their teens, stop growing - but the appetite doesn't necessarily diminish just like that. I think it's a tricky stage at which girls can get a lot of negative messages about their bodies from people around them.


When you're one of those people around them, you realise just how tricky a task it is. Trying to balance teaching teenage girls self discipline regarding their food intake, without simultaneously encouraging them to have a negative view of their changing bodies.

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This is her advertised weight and height. Not everyone is you.


Yep. She looks really great in that picture. Healthy. I believe she's at her advertised weight.


I didn't know until earlier this year that my minimum "healthy" weight for my height was 130. I usually stuck around 15-20 pounds less than that for years, not deliberately. I guess this could be a reason why people thought I looked unhealthy, though I always thought I looked fine. I certainly felt fine. But even people who hadn't seen me for awhile, just looking at pictures, noticed the change in me and were like, "You look so good!" I was left thinking, "Geez, I never saw a skeleton in the mirror." :confused:

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Another healthy weight celebrity. Rosalyn Sanchez. 5'7" weighing 130 lbs.




People don't have to get to the weights that many female celebrities starve themselves to, to look amazing. Better to be healthy and in shape.


Btw, did any of you know that many of the female celebrities diet prior to any known role or weigh-in, sometimes starving themselves for weeks on end beforehand so they can advertise lower weights?

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Yep. She looks really great in that picture. Healthy. I believe she's at her advertised weight.


I didn't know until earlier this year that my minimum "healthy" weight for my height was 130. I usually stuck around 15-20 pounds less than that for years, not deliberately. I guess this could be a reason why people thought I looked unhealthy, though I always thought I looked fine. I certainly felt fine. But even people who hadn't seen me for awhile, just looking at pictures, noticed the change in me and were like, "You look so good!" I was left thinking, "Geez, I never saw a skeleton in the mirror." :confused:

You look good as you are. I wouldn't worry about losing or gaining weight.
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Another healthy weight celebrity. Rosalyn Sanchez. 5'7" weighing 130 lbs.




People don't have to get to the weights that many female celebrities starve themselves to, to look amazing. Better to be healthy and in shape.


Btw, did any of you know that many of the female celebrities diet prior to any known role or weigh-in, sometimes starving themselves for weeks on end beforehand so they can advertise lower weights?


Yep. I remember there was a big brouhaha over Beyonce's weight loss for her role in "Dreamgirls". She went through that crazy liquid diet that was called, I don't remember...*Googles*...oh yeah, Master Cleanse. Crazy s*it concocted of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.

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You look good as you are. I wouldn't worry about losing or gaining weight.


Oh, I don't worry about it anymore. It's just still surprising for me as I get those comments a lot lately, about looking so different, "better", etc. It has just made me wonder, "Wow, what did they see when they looked at me before, compared to what I saw when I looked in the mirror?" I always thought I looked fine--as in, healthy. I felt like I should've been "concerned" because everyone else seemed to be, but at the same time I didn't really get what all the fuss was about.


My own experiences have helped convince me that our perspectives on weight are so incredibly skewed, in huge part to the obesity epidemic. We see so many overweight/obese people around that a naturally thin person looks "unhealthy" and "needs to eat more".

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