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Girls who are size ZERO and smaller look GREAT


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I would buy that Green made this thread to vent about nasty comments directed at his girlfriend, if it weren't for comments like this:


"yes I do find it physicaly attractive when a woman is slender (curvy) and has fat in all the right places instead of in a fat shapeless body." <-talking about size ZERO and smaller vs. bigger than a size zero


"It's actualy a really easy body to achieve for young women who don't eat/drink processed foods and do a small amount of physical activities."


Clearly, this thread was created with the intention of viciously preying on one of many women's biggest insecurities.


As I have stated before, I actually don't believe that a 5'7 size 0 can be attractive OR healthy; certainly not strong; and certainly not a size all women can achieve (easily or otherwise). I am a pretty serious runner and at that height I weigh in at 145 with about 18% body fat. To drop to a size 0 I'd have to lose about 30 lbs. The only way that's happening is if I chop off a limb.


As for Leigh chiming in that she agrees with Green... I find your posts highly disturbing. You want to kill yourself because your bones are too big...?? I seriously hope you get some help, not only are you delusional but your posts are indicative of a total absence of self-esteem.

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My girlfriend is a size 0. I would have loved her even if she was obese. It's not all smiles and sunshine though. She has trouble gaining weight, she even has a program to help her but she just can't gain any. She would have trouble concieving I think.


But that said though her body is ultra HOT and tight and I consider myself lucky to be able to play with it :cool: She's absolutely gorgeous.

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You should be considerate of the fact that women who have suffered from anorexia have posted on this thread. It is basic decency to be thoughtful about issues like that and it is ridiculous to complain about women calling your girlfriend too skinny when you rag on anorexics and women above a size 6.

Furthermore, not every young woman will be a size zero or smaller if she just takes care of her body. Body diversity is natural, some women are slim naturally, some have more junk in the trunk. It is just like how some guys in top physical shape are big and muscular while other are slim and sinewy.

It is fine to prefer any type of human (I draw the line at animals) but everything you've posted in this thread is about putting women down who don't meet your ideals. This says more about you than any woman.


Those body issue women have mental disorders that go way beyond food.


Bottom line... Green likes his size 0 GF. Would anyone be upset if a woman posted the same exact thing except it was her BF with a 6pak?


Sorry... but as a guy who has been in that kind of shape before... I can say for absolute certain that women have nothing to complain about regarding body issues.


The fattest woman I've ever met has 3 kids and a loving husband. The fattest guy I know is still a virgin at 32. Seriously... there is nothing to discuss.

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I can say for absolute certain that women have nothing to complain about regarding body issues...


The fattest woman I've ever met has 3 kids and a loving husband. The fattest guy I know is still a virgin at 32. Seriously... there is nothing to discuss.


I can say for absolute certain that you are wrong. There is a HUGE pressure for women to be an ideal body weight, which is why people like Leigh are the way they are. You think she came out of her mother's womb going "Tiny is sexy! Skinny tastes best!"? No, she was taught that by the media, pop culture, western culture's expectations, etc etc. I can't believe you would even suggest this! :eek: Your examples are poor, and they are not the be all end all in whether or not women should have body issues regarding weight.

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Sorry... but as a guy who has been in that kind of shape before... I can say for absolute certain that women have nothing to complain about regarding body issues.

Bullcrap UF. Girls as young as nine are getting hospitalized with extreme anorexia and recent studies have concluded that five year old girls are picking up their mother's body issues and forming opinions on dieting. Obviously, it IS an issue and not a small one if weight issues are now cropping up in girls before they even hit first grade. This sick love-hate relationship women have with their bodies is utter poison.

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I can say for absolute certain that you are wrong. There is a HUGE pressure for women to be an ideal body weight, which is why people like Leigh are the way they are. You think she came out of her mother's womb going "Tiny is sexy! Skinny tastes best!"? No, she was taught that by the media, pop culture, western culture's expectations, etc etc. I can't believe you would even suggest this! :eek: Your examples are poor, and they are not the be all end all in whether or not women should have body issues regarding weight.


No... women like Leigh have mental issues BEFORE the body image stuff. Her body image problems are just a manifestation of much deeper issues.


What are the chances of perhaps some past trauma or abuse? I'd say pretty high.


Fact is that fat women will always be able to find dates. Fat guys are screwed... even fat women often won't date them. My roommate is 6'2" and about 400, so I see it every day.


Here's a "lovely" size zero for you. http://ladybrillemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/skinny-models.jpg

And another: http://anybody.squarespace.com/storage/louisa.jpg

Gee. Don't they look "great?" :rolleyes:


Eh... from experience those women are bad in bed. Like sleeping with a stick. They often don't have as much passion and energy, and sometimes you feel like you might accidentally break them.

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Bullcrap UF. Girls as young as nine are getting hospitalized with extreme anorexia and recent studies have concluded that five year old girls are picking up their mother's body issues and forming opinions on dieting. Obviously, it IS an issue and not a small one if weight issues are now cropping up in girls before they even hit first grade. This sick love-hate relationship women have with their bodies is utter poison.


Yeah... note how it's not the father passing these bad traits along. By and large men do not create the pressure to be a certain weight. Typically it comes from other women.


The large number of body image obsessed women are also body image obsessed with who they date.


I avoid those women like a plague.

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Yeah... note how it's not the father passing these bad traits along. By and large men do not create the pressure to be a certain weight. Typically it comes from other women.

Yeah. I'm sure the ENTIRE fashion industry is run by women. :lmao:


Oh, and by the way, it was a "man" who created this thread claiming size zero AND SMALLER women look "great."

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Yeah. I'm sure the ENTIRE fashion industry is run by women. :lmao:


Uh... yeah. Women and gay guys... and gay guys are pretty much like women. :laugh:

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Oh, and by the way, it was a "man" who created this thread claiming size zero AND SMALLER women look "great."
Uh, you missed THIS part, UF. A mere oversight, I'm sure. :rolleyes:
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People in this thread are acting as if eating disorders are caused only by body image issues that are perpetuated by the media, men's "expectations," or other womens' cruelty. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is a MAJOR biological component to developing anorexia nervosa, for instance. Its incidence is highly correlated with childhood sexual abuse, having a Type A personality, being white and upper class, self-esteem issues not even remotely stemming from body image, and certain other psychological conditions. Anorexia and other eating disorders do not emerge from someone simply being told "hey, you're fat" a few times, or even repeatedly. There are nearly always other psychological and biological origin at play, and to state otherwise is either ignorance or intellectual dishonesty.

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Here's a "lovely" size zero for you. http://ladybrillemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/skinny-models.jpg


And another: http://anybody.squarespace.com/storage/louisa.jpg


Gee. Don't they look "great?" :rolleyes:

Yea...those are completely unattractive there...and I am seriously not buying into Greens cr@p but this is me and I am a zero that looks waaay more healthy then those two examples.




Zero's all look different...some good some bad. And same for other sizes. My mom is a 6 but is a more thin build then me. No real sense to be made of it at all. So people should just quit obsessing.

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Yea...those are completely unattractive there...and I am seriously not buying into Greens cr@p but this is me and I am a zero that looks waaay more healthy then those two examples.




Zero's all look different...some good some bad. And same for other sizes. My mom is a 6 but is a more thin build then me. No real sense to be made of it at all. So people should just quit obsessing.

Yes. People SHOULD quit obsessing on a NUMBER. Zero, for example.


Yes, you look good in that pic. AND healthy. :)

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AT times I cannot stand the fact I am larger boned than thin women. I actually want to kill myself because of it. Because i cannot stand my size.

You know, my left breast probably weighs more than you and I was born rather homely to boot and yet I don't feel the sort of despair you do and I really hurt for you because it seems to me as if by stressing so much on one tiny aspect of yourself for your identity and sense of worth you are devaluing all the other qualities that make you a worthwhile human being in the process. I really hope you are able to work through this and can make peace with yourself someday as no one should have to feel that way. :(

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Yea...those are completely unattractive there...and I am seriously not buying into Greens cr@p but this is me and I am a zero that looks waaay more healthy then those two examples.




Zero's all look different...some good some bad. And same for other sizes. My mom is a 6 but is a more thin build then me. No real sense to be made of it at all. So people should just quit obsessing.


Exactly. People need to accept that what Green has been talking about in this thread is not LITERALLY about his preference for girls who are actual size zeros, since it has been discussed ad nauseum that there are many different "size zeros" depending on what clothing company one has in mind. He's also not talking about women who are emaciated and look like stick figures, like the pictures that were posted higher up on this page. I agree that Green is baiting people and being aggressive, but people need to stop misrepresenting his statements before they can effectively counter them.

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Nice attempt at looking intelligent. I wasn't trying to misrepresent a correlation as causation. The same can't be said for a lot of people in this thread who have been either explicitly saying or implying that media and/or men's "preferences" are what's making women develop eating disorders to achieve a body type that virtually no man, not even Green, finds attractive.

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I agree that Green is baiting people and being aggressive, but people need to stop misrepresenting his statements before they can effectively counter them.

Perhaps if he changes his style of communication from aggression and baiting people to something more reasonable, then other posters may be able to communicate back in a like fashion.

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Perhaps if he changes his style of communication from aggression and baiting people to something more reasonable, then other posters may be able to communicate back in a like fashion.


I don't see where green has called anyone a "tormentor," "oppressor," "culprit," etc. in this thread, despite his being called all those and more.


Pot kettle black.

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Perhaps if he changes his style of communication from aggression and baiting people to something more reasonable, then other posters may be able to communicate back in a like fashion.


When you're dealing with women's weight issues, there's really no such thing as a reasonable way of discussing it so long as women are involved in the discussion. It nearly always break down into a pissing contest between 3 groups: (1) Women who are skinny and have drawn the ire of less skinny women, (2) Women who (generally) are not skinny and feel like skinny women should not be able to throw themselves a pity party despite being targeted for being skinny, and (3) Men with a variety of opinions on the matter who get caught in the crossfire.


Just look through this thread. You had women towards the beginning agreeing with Green and complaining that they have had to endure lots of rude comments because they were naturally very skinny themselves. Then along comes brainygrl, a self confessed "bigger" woman, who basically chastises and downplays any and all grief these skinny women could have experienced, because she feels her own negative experiences need to take precedence over everyone else's. It essentially boiled down to a pissing contest.


I see merit to both sides. As a general rule, women absolutely despise women who are in any way thinner or better looking than they are, and they will target these women, usually in a passive-aggressive manner. I know this because I actually have a female best friend who isn't exactly in the best shape, and she has confessed at times to absolutely "hating" women who are naturally thin because she cannot achieve that look herself. This is not a rare attitude, especially for women ages 18-30.


I guess my point is that Green COULD be more "gentle" in his approach, but at the same time, women need to learn how to stop being so resentful and spiteful of other women who are naturally thin.


And on an ending note, I've met VERY few women in my life who DON'T hate the way they look to some degree or another. I don't quite understand why this is, but I think it's absolutely ridiculous whenever anyone tries to blame it on men.

Edited by TheBigQuestion
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I wasn't trying to misrepresent a correlation as causation.
You stated that the causation wasn't caused by social pressures attributed to the media or men's opinions (which would also be media/social conditioning brought about by propaganda from the media so no real difference there) because it's been shown to have correlations with the things you listed (ie higher risk factors) and because there were factors present in some of the cases that had nothing to do with social pressures (but that doesn't mean that the causation is the same for all women).


Anorexia is a sort of cocktail that normally has several different factors present - any one of which may not be present in each case on an individual basis. Social Pressures and Family Environment are just two of the known and established factors that contribute to some of the cases but as you mentioned there are also Genetic and Psychological factors that come into play however, for you to sit there and state that "nothing could be further from the truth" knowing full well that those are major factors makes you seem intellectually dishonest.

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