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Girls who are size ZERO and smaller look GREAT


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I hate vanity sizing. I'd rather buy jeans/skirts that list waist measurement as their size, like 26, 27, etc, like they do for men. It's so much easier, especially since one store's size 2 can be another's 0...it gets frustrating. I can fit into a 25 waist sometimes, 26 most times. I'm 5'7" and weigh around 135.


There was something about waist sizing on one of the news shows (Dateline, etc.) the other day. Even men's pants sizes are vanity sized! The closest to true size was Gap, at an average of .75" bigger than the stated size, and Lucky (I think?) was something like 2" bigger than the stated size.

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Bridal shops are some of the worst for this.


I've found the very opposite to be true. With every bride I've been shopping with, her dress has been 4-6 sizes bigger than her normal dress size, and the shop has warned her about this before she put on the first dress so she didn't freak out.

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I hate vanity sizing. I'd rather buy jeans/skirts that list waist measurement as their size, like 26, 27, etc, like they do for men. It's so much easier, especially since one store's size 2 can be another's 0...it gets frustrating. I can fit into a 25 waist sometimes, 26 most times. I'm 5'7" and weigh around 135.
Vanity sizing is sizing women right out of clothing. They make things so big, EVERYTHING practically needs to be tailored down. Stupid.
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I agree. I hate this 'real women' business. And by 'real women', a lot of the time, people mean fat/verging on fat women. People think it's okay to openly criticize someone who is slightly on the thin side but it's always rude to talk about issues regarding weight to someone who is slightly overweight.


Also, why is curvy synonymous to fat these days? In my eyes, thin women are often far curvier than fat women as you can actually see their curves as they are not hidden under layers of fat.


i agree with this. i am extremely thin and have a perfect hourglass...so, it's really a matter of proportions.

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I was too skinny - 89lbs - when I was size 3/4. If I made it to a size 0, I wouldn't even be here.
This must have been quite awhile ago. You can't find clothing nowadays of any calibre which will fit someone weighing 89 lbs unless your waist at the time was larger than 25".
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i agree with this. i am extremely thin and have a perfect hourglass...so, it's really a matter of proportions.


Is your avvie and Facebook picture (in your signature) you? "Extremely thin?"? :confused:

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This must have been quite awhile ago. You can't find clothing nowadays of any calibre which will fit someone weighing 89 lbs unless your waist at the time was larger than 25".


Christmas 1997. :) Age 22. I hardly ever go clothes shopping, and at the time the 3/4 jeans were a little big for me.


I now bounce between sizes 9 and 12, thanks to my health. I weigh about 130lbs, and am shorter than tigress, so it can look too much for me, but I've told that I wear it well - that I don't look that heavy.


From what I remember, the size 0 existed a the time, and I was appalled at anyone wanting to get that small.

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I really feel society (american) has tilted to where it is ok to tell a girl to EAT MORE or GAIN SOME WEIGHT. Seriously, that is rude and disrespectful and I should be able to go up to random women and tell them to eat LESS and LOSE weight.


Size zero and smaller women look really hot. I realize at different places sizes are different. But recently my gf was getting measured for a brides maid dress by FAT women and she was there with her friend the BRIDE who is a bigger size then her. And when it turned out my gf was smaller then their size zero the women sad something nasty like "you need to eat more" and my gf's friend mad some face or something. It's bs that hot women have to put up with this crap from fatter less attractive women who think its acceptable to tell women to EAT MORE and ect...


I need people to tell me to eat more...i need them to put food in front of my face...i am an anoretic.... i wear an xs and sometimes an xs is a little too big in the waist...my hip-bones and ribs stick out. i, obviously, am not healthy...just because your girlfriend is smaller than a 0 doesn't make her more attractive! I know, as someone who wears very small sizes, that I don't look good! Anorexia is a much bigger problem than obesity. Anorexia is much more dangerous. I think I'm being uber-sensitive, but you piss me off.

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Is your avvie and Facebook picture (in your signature) you? "Extremely thin?"? :confused:


yeah, now i really feel badly...maybe it doesn't look it from that picture, but i weight about 100 pouds...so **** OFF. i'm seeing a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and i was recently hospitalized...

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yeah, now i really feel badly...maybe it doesn't look it from that picture, but i weight about 100 pouds...so **** OFF. i'm seeing a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and i was recently hospitalized...


Woah, that was uncalled for!! I wasn't trying to make you feel too thin! I was actually going to say you look "normal"...NOT "extremely thin."

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Woah, that was uncalled for!! I wasn't trying to make you feel too thin! I was actually going to say you look "normal"...NOT "extremely thin."


i know...now, i feel like a fatass.

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Woah, that was uncalled for!! I wasn't trying to make you feel too thin! I was actually going to say you look "normal"...NOT "extremely thin."


and, i'm sorry; i just am really sensitive right now because i'm on a meal plan where i have to eat more frequently and I'm obsessing and being weird.

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i know...now, i feel like a fatass.


Hey can I ask a question? Do anorexics really see themselves as fat? I ask because you mentioned above that you can see your ribs sticking out and acknowledge this is unhealthy. A lot of people say that anorexics see themselves as overweight and I'm kind of confused at how they see this when the mirror or scales show otherwise. Is this just a misguided assumption that people who don't have this condition make?

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Hey can I ask a question? Do anorexics really see themselves as fat? I ask because you mentioned above that you can see your ribs sticking out and acknowledge this is unhealthy. A lot of people say that anorexics see themselves as overweight and I'm kind of confused at how they see this when the mirror or scales show otherwise. Is this just a misguided assumption that people who don't have this condition make?


I'm not super bad, so I feel I still have a grasp on some semblance of reality (some people are totally delusional though). I feel that there is a rational part of my brain and an irrational part of my brain. The rational party says, "Oh, wow, I am skinny. I should eat this piece of cake. Nothing wrong with indulging once in a while" whereas the irrational part says, "No, you can't. You've already eaten your alloted amount. If you eat more everything will be wrong". I know, truly, that I am far from fat. But, at the same time, I am super sensitive to both the scale and the opinions of others. If the scale is a pound higher than I like it, I feel like I have to fast (even though I know, rationally, that weight fluctuates...especially for a teen girl...and a pound is absolutely nothing)...

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Your Post headings are like headlines from a Murdock paper. :D


In answer to your post, I don't think it was any more disrespectful than your view that women who are not size 0 (or less) are by default less attractive.

"It's bs that hot women have to put up with this crap from fatter less attractive women who think its acceptable to tell women.."


Being a thin framed guy, I love smaller framed women, but a woman's dress size is not most defining aspect of her attractiveness. Your GF should relish the fact that other women are making remarks like they do out of jealousy. Much better than being at the other end of the weight spectrum and being ribbed by the other women to stop eying off the wedding cake anytime she is within 10 ft of it.

Edited by ascendotum
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Christmas 1997. :) Age 22. I hardly ever go clothes shopping, and at the time the 3/4 jeans were a little big for me.


I now bounce between sizes 9 and 12, thanks to my health. I weigh about 130lbs, and am shorter than tigress, so it can look too much for me, but I've told that I wear it well - that I don't look that heavy.


From what I remember, the size 0 existed a the time, and I was appalled at anyone wanting to get that small.


I'm guessing you're from the UK Anela. I was just thinking that even a 6 would be too small for you. It varies from shop to shop of course, but from the little bit of research I've carried out when I've visited the US, I would say that US size 0 is somewhere between a UK 4 and a 6....though of course it depends on the store.

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Citizen Erased

They make a size smaller than zero? Ok. :laugh: Our sizes are different here, when I convert over the Internet I'm a size 4US. When I was there I noticed a 4 is actually quite larger than what would fit me. Huge on vanity sizing over there.

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I'm guessing you're from the UK Anela. I was just thinking that even a 6 would be too small for you.


Too small when you were 89 pounds, that is. It must have been really difficult for you to find clothes that would fit you back then.


CE - I agree. The conversion tables on the Internet seem to be pretty meaningless really.

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Citizen Erased

Green is right though, just because someone is slim doesn't mean they should be put down. If they look great, good for them. If they're too thin and look ill they're not a bitch, people should actually be concerned for their health. Responding by telling a healthy looking woman to eat more is pure jealousy.

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Green is right though, just because someone is slim doesn't mean they should be put down. If they look great, good for them. If they're too thin and look ill they're not a bitch, people should actually be concerned for their health. Responding by telling a healthy looking woman to eat more is pure jealousy.



Agreed. I get the same thing at 6'1" 165. Some people are naturally slim, but if someone really is too thin, you can tell. Most thin people aren't that thin.

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I'm not super bad, so I feel I still have a grasp on some semblance of reality (some people are totally delusional though). I feel that there is a rational part of my brain and an irrational part of my brain. The rational party says, "Oh, wow, I am skinny. I should eat this piece of cake. Nothing wrong with indulging once in a while" whereas the irrational part says, "No, you can't. You've already eaten your alloted amount. If you eat more everything will be wrong". I know, truly, that I am far from fat. But, at the same time, I am super sensitive to both the scale and the opinions of others. If the scale is a pound higher than I like it, I feel like I have to fast (even though I know, rationally, that weight fluctuates...especially for a teen girl...and a pound is absolutely nothing)...


I'm not sure how good an idea it is to comment, but all I'll say is that the camera angle in your avatar is evidently misleading. Anyone looking at your right arm (furthest away from the camera) would see that- as it does indeed look extremely slim. I also looked at the facebook pic before you took it down...and it was hard to tell as you were at a distance. I thought you looked very model-like in it, but bearing in mind that models tend to be too slim (in a way that shows up in real life, but can look good in photos) I certainly wouldn't find it difficult to believe that you were slim to a degree that isn't medically healthy.


I hope you can move on to more healthy eating habits. I used to fast a lot when I was in my teens, and it never did me any good. What I found, once I got into my mid twenties and onwards, was that the less of an issue food was the easier it was to stay in shape. I think often that comes with moving into the workplace, having other things that take up so much of your thought and time that your own eating habits become less of a priority etc.

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I'd have to agree with you. It's hurtful when people tell me to gain weight. I have been trying for so long to gain some weight because i'd hear it from people at work alllll the time that I need to 'eat more' or 'put some meat on my bones'. I'm physically unable to gain any more weight, and it hurts hearing that i'm 'too skinny' and it's 'unattractive'.


I think most people look at skinny girls and think that they are trying to be that way. I can bet that most aren't. And it does become hurtful when there isn't anything you can do about it.

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