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Can a girl that rejected you really start to like you if you ignore her?

Kain Highwind

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Kain Highwind

First off, sorry if this is in the wrong section :/


This girl and I were really close and really great friends but I recently asked her out and she turned me down and said that we should basically take a break from seeing or talking to each other


I'm pretty sure we'll be friends again but if I always act preoccupied a lot if she calls or wants to hang out and tell her like one time she wants to that I'll be on a date that night... Do you think that may make her more interested?


Girls want what they can't have, right?


Or is it possible that she may start missing me during our time apart and realize that she did, indeed, have feelings for me?

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Only one way to find out. It's certainly not impossible and things like this have happened before. But, there's a chance it doesn't work and it will kill any friendship.

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The trick is to move on and start dating some one new. If she does come back and want you at that point... don't let it all go to your ego... just remind urself of how she was in the past and keep her there in the past.


Stop getting tunnel vision for this one girl. Don't think about her and move on and ask LOTS of girls out. You come off as imature and needy if you get all obsessed with some girl you havn't even made love too.

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Kain Highwind
The trick is to move on and start dating some one new. If she does come back and want you at that point... don't let it all go to your ego... just remind urself of how she was in the past and keep her there in the past.


Stop getting tunnel vision for this one girl. Don't think about her and move on and ask LOTS of girls out. You come off as imature and needy if you get all obsessed with some girl you havn't even made love too.

I'm trying to ask some other girls out but I'm just wondering if doing this may be possible. Like her getting jealous from me getting with other girls

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I'm trying to ask some other girls out but I'm just wondering if doing this may be possible. Like her getting jealous from me getting with other girls


who cares if she gets jelouse. Don't even think about her. Why get so hung up on a girl who rejected you it is imature. It's a sign of respect to yourself to just move on.

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Kain Highwind
who cares if she gets jelouse. Don't even think about her. Why get so hung up on a girl who rejected you it is imature. It's a sign of respect to yourself to just move on.

Because, as small as it is, I think there may be just a slight chance that I can pull it off with her


I don't nkow how to explain it but... Just my situation and the way she's acted previously....

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Because, as small as it is, I think there may be just a slight chance that I can pull it off with her


I don't nkow how to explain it but... Just my situation and the way she's acted previously....


If you listend to my advice you'd see your doing the exact wrong thing.

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Girls are the same as guys. If you don't have an attraction to someone, you'll never want them. Girls want what they can't have, when they've never had it. Same as guys. If you've had someone and are through with them, well then, that's pretty much it isn't it?

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Most girls have lots of options, so I can't see why ignoring a girl will make her want you.

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Sure, that works...when the screenwriter writes it that way in the movies.


In real life? Not so much. Appearing distant doesn't "ignite" a healthy person's passion for you. Think about it: If she only wants you because you're ignoring her, then she'd be a pretty superficial girl who will likely toss her little toy away soon after she gets it.

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